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Goh Meng Seng's claim that Govt is lying about Covid-19 TCM treatment is untrue: MOH - Printable Version

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Goh Meng Seng's claim that Govt is lying about Covid-19 TCM treatment is untrue: MOH - Levin - 22-11-2021

Ng Wei Kai
PUBLISHED NOV 21, 2021, 8:22 PM SGT

SINGAPORE - People’s Power Party chief Goh Meng Seng’s claims that the Government is lying about having studied a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatment for mild Covid-19 infections are baseless, said the Ministry of Health (MOH) on Sunday (Nov 21).

Mr Goh had made a Facebook post accompanied by an hour-long video on Thursday, where he said it is “totally untrue” that there are no scientific studies on the suitability of Lianhua Qingwen in treating Covid-19.

He went on to say that MOH had sponsored a study on the treatment, and questioned why the findings have not been published yet.

Responding to Mr Goh’s claims in a Facebook post on Sunday, MOH clarified that while it had offered to sponsor a study under a TCM research grant, the researcher had withdrawn her application, citing her inability to secure a suitable study site.

To date, a few randomised control clinical trials on Lianhua Qingwen have been conducted, only in China, said MOH.

RE: Goh Meng Seng's claim that Govt is lying about Covid-19 TCM treatment is untrue: MOH - Levin - 22-11-2021

MOH Denies Sponsoring TCM Product Study To Treat Covid-19, Goh Meng Seng Claims Misunderstanding

By Jeremy Lee -21 Nov 2021, 11:37 pm


Some people may have turned to a certain traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) product, but the Ministry of Health (MOH) said it hasn’t been approved to treat Covid-19.

Despite that, it was alleged that MOH had sponsored a study on this product. MOH has now said this is incorrect.

Opposition party chief Goh Meng Seng, who made this allegation, also said it was all a misunderstanding.

More details on the exact replies from MOH at: