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Taliban destroyed Afghanistan’s ancient Buddha statues. Now it's a tourist site again - Printable Version

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Taliban destroyed Afghanistan’s ancient Buddha statues. Now it's a tourist site again - Levin - 26-11-2021

Nov. 24, 2021, 10:23 PM +08 / Updated Nov. 25, 2021, 1:50 AM +08
By Gabe Joselow and Rachel Elbaum

BAMIYAN, Afghanistan — The Taliban’s destruction of the Bamiyan Buddha statues in early 2001 shocked the world and highlighted their hard-line regime, toppled soon after in a U.S.-led invasion.

Now back in charge of Afghanistan and eager to present a softer image, the militant group is running the site as a tourist attraction.

For around US$5, curious visitors can wander around and take photos of the giant holes in the cliff face where the ancient Buddha statues once stood.


Sidiq Ullah, who is a supporter of the militant group, came to see the historic site this week with friends from Kandahar, around 350 miles southwest of Bamiyan. Now that the Taliban are in control, he said, he feels free to tour the country.

“I was young when these were destroyed, about 7 years old, and since then it has been a dream to come and see what happened here,” he said.

“I’m happy it was destroyed. I’m here to see the ruins actually.”