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Trojan found on the iPhone was called the GoldDigger trojan. - Printable Version

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Trojan found on the iPhone was called the GoldDigger trojan. - theold - 19-02-2024

This Trojan is quite dangerous if it infects a device. If installed, the GoldPickaxe trojan can collect facial recognition data such as Face ID , user identity documents, and intercept text messages. All this data is collected so that the perpetrator can more easily drain the money in the victim's bank account or in other financial applications. 

Sadly, the perpetrator also used this data to create visuals processed by artificial intelligence (AI) or known as deepfakes , then he disguised himself as the victim and accessed their bank accounts.

Along with the detection of this malware , researchers also discovered a new variant of GoldDigger called GoldDiggerPlus. This virus has been made even more sophisticated, because it can be used by hackers to contact victims in real-time via the affected device, compiled by KompasTekno from TomsGuide , Monday (19/2/2024).

Because it was deleted, the perpetrator then persuaded the victim to install a Mobile Device Management (MDM) profile. MDM is a set of tools that the IT team at a company uses to manage phones, computers, and other office devices. In short, if the iPhone owner is tricked into creating that profile, then the hacker ultimately has control of the iPhone.

RE: Trojan found on the iPhone was called the GoldDigger trojan. - teaserteam - 19-02-2024

Only happens when one jail-broke the iPhone. After jailbroken, one can then download apps from sources other than Apple Store.

Quote:While iOS devices are often considered to be more secure, Trojans are capable of infiltrating these devices as well. However, they are very rare and usually require the device to be jailbroken or, as is nearly impossible on iOS, to install apps from untrusted sources. A Trojan virus on an iPhone can disguise itself as a legitimate app or file, but secretly perform harmful actions.

RE: Trojan found on the iPhone was called the GoldDigger trojan. - ODA TETSURO - 19-02-2024

So did Pfizer or Moderna come out with a vaccine for this virus?

RE: Trojan found on the iPhone was called the GoldDigger trojan. - WhatDoYouThink! - 19-02-2024

挖佬,still got piper spent thousands on it? Got curry smell some more

RE: Trojan found on the iPhone was called the GoldDigger trojan. - K88 shu shu - 19-02-2024

no problem for my beloved xiaomi.