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Cheat Wave Coming Your Way - Printable Version

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Cheat Wave Coming Your Way - teaserteam - 22-06-2024

Shin Min Daily News 新明日报
  两名男子称想把金元宝带回中国,但不清楚法律程序。他们因此请求女子代为保管金元宝,并要对方支付现金作抵押。  … Zobrazit víc


2️⃣ 机上偷12万 上赌场‘洗白’

[Image: Screenshot-2024-06-22-175933.jpg]

RE: Cheat Wave Coming Your Way - K88 shu shu - 22-06-2024

Too greedy and deserve to be cheated.

RE: Cheat Wave Coming Your Way - revealer - 22-06-2024

The cheaters r much more sophisticated nowadays. Some new cheating tactics posing themselves as bank officers, trying to help u solve a banking transaction problem but then empty yr savings.  No greeds involved.