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Amazon's Alexa tells 10-year-old child to touch penny to exposed plug socket - Printable Version

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Amazon's Alexa tells 10-year-old child to touch penny to exposed plug socket - Levin - 30-12-2021

By Sana Noor Haq, CNN

Updated 2059 GMT (0459 HKT) December 29, 2021


According to a tweet posted by Kristin Livdahl, Alexa told her 10-year-old child to touch a penny to an exposed plug socket.


Livdahl shared an image of Alexa's response after her child asked the device for a challenge.

"Here's something I found on the web. According to The challenge is simple: plug in a phone charger about halfway into a wall outlet, then touch a penny to the exposed prongs," Alexa's response read.

Users expressed their astonishment in the comments

"That's shocking," one user tweeted.

"Omg that's horrible," another user tweeted.

Amazon said they have since resolved the fault.

RE: Amazon's Alexa tells 10-year-old child to touch penny to exposed plug socket - FangFang - 30-12-2021

Was that a joke..