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Petition to rescind Tony Blair's knighthood gets more than 600,000 signatures - Printable Version

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Petition to rescind Tony Blair's knighthood gets more than 600,000 signatures - Levin - 05-01-2022


LONDON (NYTIMES) - By tradition, former British prime ministers are honoured by Queen Elizabeth some years after leaving No. 10 Downing St, so the elevation of Mr Tony Blair to a knighthood on New Year's Day could have been a routine event.

Instead, more than 600,000 people have signed an online petition asking that the honour be rescinded, illustrating how one of Britain's most successful politicians remains a divisive figure, never forgiven by his critics for taking the country to war in Iraq.

RE: Petition to rescind Tony Blair's knighthood gets hundreds of thousands of signatures - Bigiron - 05-01-2022

Serve him right