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Fools have Great Confidence - Printable Version

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Fools have Great Confidence - Ola - 01-02-2022

Because they know nothing and has no foresight.

Worst, Fools like to fake confidence due to their EGO.

RE: Fools have Great Confidence - Ola - 01-02-2022

Right path but bring us in roundabout 冤枉路 。

People take short cut, but PAP 带我们 逛花园。

He does not know the route yet refuse to use google map.


[Image: CCS-SG-on-right-path.png]

RE: Fools have Great Confidence - Ola - 03-02-2022

Fools will always be foolish.

Jac Lau's forever quest for the mystery of confidence is so funny.

Even after 4 years, his search for humility is futile. 

[Image: Boen-with-Self-Confd.png]

RE: Fools have Great Confidence - Ola - 10-02-2022

And Confidence has nothing to do with $$. PLEASE!