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Suddenly Huge Russian military convoy in front of Kyiv - Printable Version

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Suddenly Huge Russian military convoy in front of Kyiv - theold - 01-03-2022

During the night, there were increasing indications of a major offensive on important Ukrainian cities. 

According to satellite images, military vehicles are now more than 60 kilometers away from the capital.Satellite images taken on Monday show a 60-kilometer Russian military convoy northwest of the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv. 

The convoy "stretched from the area around Antonov Airport (about 25 kilometers from central Kiev) in the south to the area around Prybirsk in the north," the US satellite imagery company Maxar said. Images of the convoy show dozens of vehicles lined up on roads in the Ukrainian countryside.

The US company also released images purporting to show new troop deployments from attack helicopters and vehicles in Belarus, less than 30 kilometers from the Ukrainian border.

RE: Suddenly Huge Russian military convoy in front of Kyiv - cityhantam - 01-03-2022

Putin was hoping that Comedian President would compromise to reduce casualties of innocent Ukrainians.


RE: Suddenly Huge Russian military convoy in front of Kyiv - lvlrsSTI - 01-03-2022

The western media blocked the latest news from the frontline and Russian media are silenced.

RE: Suddenly Huge Russian military convoy in front of Kyiv - kokee - 01-03-2022

commie dogs panic, no more nuclear threatening? invade again? russian army ok? still got money to go for war?
whatever 100k of foreign army are with Ukraine army now, ton of weapons fromall over the world arrive in Ukraine, putin& russia has money to fight, go ahead.
why are they so worry, need to get this forum 7/24, spam new threads 7/24, the more they spam then they are right? then they can brainwash more morons here? why they almost never get 1 case right after all truth are out? because of their rubbish self creating news, twisted fake & lied video by communists.
Ukraine has no worry, apply to join EU today, who F care of putin now, ton  of weapons & army from all over the world arrive at Ukraine to support.
Putin, let him decide his own fate, threatening world peace or withdraw or attack.
invader deserve to be punished by all means.



全球10万志愿军进入乌克兰 !普京骂习近平猪队友?中国想切割来不及了!

全球10万志愿军进入乌克兰 !普京骂习近平猪队友?中国想切割来不及了!