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Crowd clashes with San Antonio police after police shot a man in the back nine times - Printable Version

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Crowd clashes with San Antonio police after police shot a man in the back nine times - Levin - 16-03-2022


SAN ANTONIO (AP) — San Antonio police clashed with a crowd that gathered after three police officers fatally shot a man they said pulled out a gun while they tried to arrest him.


“He’s not a bad person so there’s no reason why this should have happened,” Jasmine Johnson said. “Nobody deserves to get shot in the back nine times.”

A crowd that gathered after the shooting clashed with police, who at one point used pepper spray on the group.

Full report at:

RE: Crowd clashes with San Antonio police after police shot a man in the back nine times - Fleetdestroyer - 16-03-2022

Those evil amercunts shoot nine times awesome hor