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Russia FM: Ukraine war was "meant to" stop US global domination. - Printable Version

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Russia FM: Ukraine war was "meant to" stop US global domination. - Scythian - 12-04-2022

Russia's foreign minister reportedly said the Ukraine war was "meant to" stop US global domination.

"This domination is built on gross violations of international law," he said, according to RT.

RE: Russia FM: Ukraine war was "meant to" stop US global domination. - Scythian - 13-04-2022


Whether its right or wrong, Russia also has principle.

RE: Russia FM: Ukraine war was "meant to" stop US global domination. - kokee - 13-04-2022

whatever lies these dogs bark is the same as comie dogs lies here, norm.
since day 1, I said russia invasion is pure nazi invader, is putin dream to build his russia empire, no other reason like NATO eastward or US domination, use your brain, same to all lies by comie dogs here, invade UKraine anything to do with US domination.
same to ccp china, balless to US, blame & complain anything, if they are strong & powerful enough, they can dominate in all area, economy, finance, education, society but they only has shit communism & what to dominate, toilet also dont have.
all these liars, same as comie dogs here, same as all the moronic comie supporters, lies to themselves, totally useless.