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HO Ching : Unlinked cases rising, this is not unexpected... - Printable Version

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HO Ching : Unlinked cases rising, this is not unexpected... - BigBossX - 02-09-2021

RE: HO Ching : Unlinked cases rising, this is not unexpected... - WhatDoYouThink? - 02-09-2021

aunty jink still not started asking ppl to go for booster? several countries have started

RE: HO Ching : Unlinked cases rising, this is not unexpected... - singaporean1964 - 02-09-2021

of course not unexpected
her husband keep importing pple
of course eventually it will get worse and worse

RE: HO Ching : Unlinked cases rising, this is not unexpected... - menghuii - 02-09-2021

her cb mouth never stop broadcasting what?
educating the public?
give me a break
just tell her hubby to quickly retire for their own good..

RE: HO Ching : Unlinked cases rising, this is not unexpected... - Sticw - 02-09-2021

Red herring on the lack of vaccination of the old. How many of those very aged are venturing out to all the dinning areas?

Also to say, the climb is in the open community, so while vaccination likely lower serious implications, it does nothing to stop infection. It just means that at full vaccination (a lot of bulls here since the mRNA only caters to original virus spikes but not mutated variants) will allow economy to open up but doesn't give any herd immunity.

It simply allow govt and bizes to get back on the earnings. Between the 2 evils, guess no choice but to keep economy open than to die of hunger if the eventual for covid is likewise death...

I do think that it is the hard hand approach to force people to take mRNA that resulted in many not taking up vaccination. And when it comes to variants, the mRNA is a less ideal approach than inactivated. But you see govt still not putting inactivated on the national vaccination program. If novavac comes on stream and govt puts it on the national program, it will be very obvious that they are political influenced by the west. Because if vaccination is the key, the well tested sinopharm and even the inactivated ones from Japan could have been on our national program and we would have gotten 95% or higher vaccination rate.

RE: HO Ching : Unlinked cases rising, this is not unexpected... - lylcnn - 02-09-2021

Wish Madam focus on managing SG monies BETTER THAN AVERAGE, rather than talk so much.........

RE: HO Ching : Unlinked cases rising, this is not unexpected... - Galilo_l - 02-09-2021

Since it is within expectations then dun call out Singaporeans as Kiasu la... BTW the mouth spray will b distributed in Oct... sum ppl need it very much everyday