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OYK: But Delta did not wait for us to be ready and attacked us first - Printable Version

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OYK: But Delta did not wait for us to be ready and attacked us first - forum456 - 23-09-2021

Health Minister Ong Ye Kung said on Tuesday (Sept 21) that the Government is monitoring hospital capacity closely and may have to impose more restrictions if the Covid-19 situation worsens.

Singapore already has a suite of measures in place, and to go further would be a "last resort", he added in Mandarin in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao.

Mr Ong said: "We had planned to have a preparatory period, during which we can gradually open up while handling perhaps 100 to 200 cases a day. But Delta did not wait for us to be ready and attacked us first."

"The fight against Delta is really like a war... and it can spring surprises which you never expected, so you have to be able to adapt and change strategies quickly."

He added that two factors are crucial in deciding if Singapore has reached a critical stage - the number of serious cases and hospital capacity.

And the Government has been keeping a close watch on both indicators to ensure that intensive care units and the healthcare system in general are not overwhelmed.

Asked about his assessment of the current situation, Mr Ong said that as of last week, things were still under control. But he added that the situation changes daily.

He also noted that a new balance had to be struck with the virus, and people would have to learn how to co-exist with Covid-19.

At the current stage of the pandemic, it is no longer possible, and also futile, to go into protracted lockdowns, he said, noting that infection numbers will inevitably go up again once lockdowns are lifted.

RE: OYK: But Delta did not wait for us to be ready and attacked us first - RichDad - 23-09-2021

Good with words... dial back, carte Blanche, rite of passage, baptism of fire, etc but with no compassion for the old and sick.

More will die in his hands...

RE: OYK: But Delta did not wait for us to be ready and attacked us first - forum456 - 23-09-2021

OKY talked like he is Zhuge Liang , fighting a war ?

RE: OYK: But Delta did not wait for us to be ready and attacked us first - WhatDoYouThink? - 23-09-2021

one eye kooning hv to do better

RE: OYK: But Delta did not wait for us to be ready and attacked us first - singaporean1964 - 23-09-2021

the moment delta is discovered
they should be ready
not wait until THEY are ready and expect the virus to give u time
u tot virus is like your poor peasants
can bully when u have the time

RE: OYK: But Delta did not wait for us to be ready and attacked us first - Huliwang - 23-09-2021

OYK everyday predicted we will hit 1,000 and 2,000 infections in September/October weeks ago but do nothing to cater for mass infections and now said Delta did wait for him to be ready. We already warned of hospital overloading once he started his stupid endemic model but he ignored our warnings and now bullshxt delta dun wait for him to get ready. This is the type of useless million dollar minister put in charge of MOH. He shud be sacked...... Angry

RE: OYK: But Delta did not wait for us to be ready and attacked us first - debono - 23-09-2021

(23-09-2021, 06:18 PM)singaporean1964 Wrote:  the moment delta is discovered
they should be ready
not wait until THEY are ready and expect the virus to give u time
u tot virus is like your poor peasants
can bully when u have the time

The covid-19 virus   variant, delta waits for no man, it need to be arrested as soon as possible, to bring down the number of infected to a single digit.....

RE: OYK: But Delta did not wait for us to be ready and attacked us first - Cmpunk - 23-09-2021

Far too late to said anything just hope miracle happen

RE: OYK: But Delta did not wait for us to be ready and attacked us first - Cmpunk - 23-09-2021

No wonder under them Sembcorp marine now only worth 8 Cts a share.

RE: OYK: But Delta did not wait for us to be ready and attacked us first - wulala - 23-09-2021

Honestly these bunch of leadership are different from LKY era,
LKY era prevent things from happening,
this bunch wait for things to happen then find remedy and ALWAYS at the expand of the people. Sad

RE: OYK: But Delta did not wait for us to be ready and attacked us first - talky - 23-09-2021

(23-09-2021, 06:18 PM)singaporean1964 Wrote:  the moment delta is discovered
they should be ready
not wait until THEY are ready and expect the virus to give u time
u tot virus is like your poor peasants
can bully when u have the time
covid 19 is not sillyporeans

RE: OYK: But Delta did not wait for us to be ready and attacked us first - RichDad - 23-09-2021

Can't swim say LP grow cysts.

Why should Delta wait for you?

RE: OYK: But Delta did not wait for us to be ready and attacked us first - Notdumb - 23-09-2021

He kept thinking vax will stop Covid. Damn stupid right? So all this must be the fault of the unvaxed?

RE: OYK: But Delta did not wait for us to be ready and attacked us first - Galilo_l - 23-09-2021

Oredi declared endemic liao... wait for year end bonus?

RE: OYK: But Delta did not wait for us to be ready and attacked us first - kangtangman - 23-09-2021

Sadly he was seen as an up and coming leader, but what he said here is just simply claiming to be an oversights.

Such claims is so irresponsible for a person who held the leader position of Singaporeans and everyone’s well being or health.

And it also goes to show that our lives are not as important than having a people to roam about in the public. Why can’t he just announce a circuit breaker already?

Especially when the numbers are continuing climbing…even Taiwan news media are also reporting about our climbing numbers……

RE: OYK: But Delta did not wait for us to be ready and attacked us first - starbugs - 23-09-2021

Consecutive days of over 1000 cases and he still needs to monitor before taking action?

RE: OYK: But Delta did not wait for us to be ready and attacked us first - kc172021 - 23-09-2021

(23-09-2021, 07:18 PM)kangtangman Wrote:  Sadly he was seen as an up and coming leader, but what he said here is just simply claiming to be an oversights.

Such claims is so irresponsible for a person who held the leader position of Singaporeans and everyone’s well being or health.

And it also goes to show that our lives are not as important than having a people to roam about in the public. Why can’t he just announce a circuit breaker already?

Especially when the numbers are continuing climbing…even Taiwan news media are also reporting about our climbing numbers……
OYK think fighting Covid is like preparing for exam??? He kong simi sai......... Angry

When Delta was reported in india, it was said to be more fatal, spread faster and with no symptoms or mild symptoms, is his mind KO???

We are paying the tax to pay them millions yearly and they can say and behave so irresponsible now......DELTA dont give him time Rotfl crying Thinking

RE: OYK: But Delta did not wait for us to be ready and attacked us first - kangtangman - 23-09-2021

(23-09-2021, 09:23 PM)kc172021 Wrote:   
OYK think fighting Covid is like preparing for exam??? He kong simi sai......... Angry

When Delta was reported in india, it was said to be more fatal, spread faster and with no symptoms or mild symptoms, is his mind KO???

We are paying the tax to pay them millions yearly and they can say and behave so irresponsible now......DELTA dont give him time Rotfl crying Thinking

Looks like this exam he took on has shown his judgement were bad….anyway he will not be held accountable for. Because based on our PM past experiences, he never held anyone accountable. From incidents like the MRT saga, the escape of that Mas Selamat guy from the remand centre, or the losses made by the Town councils…etc.

We just move on…I guess.

RE: OYK: But Delta did not wait for us to be ready and attacked us first - Harry Lee - 23-09-2021

Quite good documentary on what bring us to today.
"Pandemic Borders' CNA 11pm