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NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - Printable Version

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NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - kangtangman - 23-09-2021

A friend forward me this video which was not aired on our local media. Though his presentation or pronunciation may be off at times. But the whole speech was well written, in my opinion.

RE: NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - Blasterlord2 - 23-09-2021

Very good speech.

RE: NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - Tangsen - 24-09-2021

I think PSP is asking more hard questions to PAP than WP.
I hope next erection they get fully elected .... I pray and hope for SG this will happen  Clapping Thumbsup Open-mouthed_smile Thinking
More oppositions in next parliament   Threatening

RE: NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - sgbuffett - 24-09-2021

Everyone should hear this.
Compare this with the farce we saw from ministers who tried to falsely accuse PSP of racism instead of debating issue.

They tried to mock Leong but he is the only economics graduate among them. That's why they cant win on economics and resorted to mockery and false accusations.

RE: NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - RiseofAsia - 24-09-2021

(24-09-2021, 01:29 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Everyone should hear this.
Compare this with the farce we saw from ministers who tried to falsely accuse PSP of racism instead of debating issue.

They tried to mock Leong but he is the only economics graduate among them. That's why they can win on economics and resorted to mockery and false accusations.

Only fools mock at others due to lack of humbleness. Instead, they shd pull up their socks how come someone questions their inability not mocking at other to think they win in their debate.
A humble person will never mock at other ppl.

RE: NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - klat - 24-09-2021

The PSP had worked hard in trying to convince the PnP on the plight and the underemployment of PMETs. The PnP knows the many problems faced by the PMETs but their discussions on this matter is nothing but attacks after attacks on his character, his interpretations, his england, his schooling in RI, etc

RE: NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - sgbuffett - 24-09-2021

(24-09-2021, 07:24 AM)klat Wrote:  The PSP had worked hard in trying to convince the PnP on the plight and the underemployment of PMETs. The PnP knows the many problems faced by the PMETs but their discussions on this matter is nothing but attacks after attacks on his character, his interpretations, his england, his schooling in RI, etc

PAP is stirring racisn accuaation instead of keeping to economic argunents. Reminds me of Trump. They are dividing the people to carry out their agenda Singaporeans are not racists and  view issues from a non race perspective

RE: NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - NoActionTalkOnly - 24-09-2021

There was a topic about salaries for public servants and how to justify pay vs the risk of a public servant jumping to the private sector to get a higher pay, correct?

So those salaries arrived after a lengthy debate, true?

So just how much is Leong's allowance per month since he is in that light also serving the public as a servant?

Is Leong doing more than what he is paid or is he doing not enough as a servant of the public?

RE: NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - Cmpunk - 24-09-2021

Our ministers seat there comfortably mocking and laughing at people.

RE: NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - toothpick - 24-09-2021

PSP did extremely well giving a solid differentiated perspective.

Workers Party I think has become a PAP-Lite Party.

Overall, I think this has been a good parliament debate.

RE: NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - RiseofAsia - 24-09-2021

(24-09-2021, 07:30 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  PAP is stirring racisn accuaation instead of keeping to economic argunents. Reminds me of Trump. They are dividing the people to carry out their agenda Singaporeans are not racists and  view issues from a non race perspective

不怕遭雷劈? Thinking

RE: NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - Cmpunk - 24-09-2021

Here we talk about jobs be taken away they change it races.

RE: NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - kangtangman - 24-09-2021

The ruling party like to mislead the citizens, especially those hardcore supporters. When the ministers began with the spade of racism, these blind supporters will jump on the bandwagon to attack or debunk the nay sayers or oppositions.

And more importantly these supporters failed to see the impact until the same things happened or befall onto them….then they realised what they have been supporting for were merely manipulated….

RE: NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - forum456 - 24-09-2021

[Image: safe-image.gif]

RE: NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - forum456 - 24-09-2021

RE: NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - debono - 24-09-2021

(24-09-2021, 07:43 AM)NoActionTalkOnly Wrote:  There was a topic about salaries for public servants and how to justify pay vs the risk of a public servant jumping to the private sector to get a higher pay, correct?

So those salaries arrived after a lengthy debate, true?

So just how much is Leong's allowance per month since he is in that light also serving the public as a servant?

Is Leong doing more than what he is paid or is he doing not enough as a servant of the public?

NCMP are paid an allowance of $2K per month, whereas MPs are paid an allowance of $16K per month

RE: NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - klat - 24-09-2021

(24-09-2021, 09:49 AM)debono Wrote:  NCMP are paid an allowance of $2K per month, whereas MPs are paid an allowance of $16K per month

All the PnP MPs should cut their allowances from $16K to $2K and give the difference to LMW for that 1 month. Why? Because the others are sleeping, talking rubbish like lousy school, dreaming, never attend, etc

RE: NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - Gemstar - 24-09-2021

(24-09-2021, 12:19 AM)Tangsen Wrote:  I think PSP is asking more hard questions to PAP than WP.
I hope next erection they get fully elected .... I pray and hope for SG this will happen  Clapping Thumbsup Open-mouthed_smile Thinking
More oppositions in next parliament   Threatening
I supported both WP and PSP. Hope these 2 parties combined strength to boot-out the majority rule. LMW is a kind and caring person that deserves to be voted-in. He speaks a million.

RE: NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - NoActionTalkOnly - 24-09-2021

(24-09-2021, 09:49 AM)debono Wrote:  NCMP are paid an allowance of $2K per month, whereas MPs are paid an allowance of $16K per month

Any danger Leong will job hop or Leong might feel that he himself is mediocre because his allowance is about 8 times lower? 

Anyway isn't it good not to mean nor believe that Singaporeans at whatever level of income are mediocre?

RE: NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - Tangsen - 24-09-2021

(24-09-2021, 10:13 AM)Gemstar Wrote:  I supported both WP and PSP. Hope these 2 parties combined strength to boot-out the majority rule. LMW is a kind and caring person that deserves to be voted-in. He speaks a million.

Next erection must get PSP voted in with Chee, give those white greedy pigs  a run for their money

RE: NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - NoActionTalkOnly - 24-09-2021

Jesus once said, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” (Matt. 19:24.)

RE: NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - debono - 24-09-2021

(24-09-2021, 10:13 AM)Gemstar Wrote:  I supported both WP and PSP. Hope these 2 parties combined strength to boot-out the majority rule. LMW is a kind and caring person that deserves to be voted-in. He speaks a million.

If only we have more opposition MP/NCMP who can make good speeches like LMW....

RE: NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - ArielCasper - 24-09-2021

(24-09-2021, 07:43 AM)NoActionTalkOnly Wrote:  There was a topic about salaries for public servants and how to justify pay vs the risk of a public servant jumping to the private sector to get a higher pay, correct?

So those salaries arrived after a lengthy debate, true?

So just how much is Leong's allowance per month since he is in that light also serving the public as a servant?

Is Leong doing more than what he is paid or is he doing not enough as a servant of the public?

That's a good question on "Leong doing more than what he is paid or is he doing not enough as a servant of the public".

Since the allowance for NCMP and MP are fixed, we can only say if Leong is more "value for money" as compared to the rest..

One thing for sure, this topic has generated so much interest (basher and supporter alike), so he is definitely more "value for money" as compared with another NCMP and MP who did not generate any interest.

RE: NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - NoActionTalkOnly - 24-09-2021

(24-09-2021, 11:03 AM)ArielCasper Wrote:  That's a good question on "Leong doing more than what he is paid or is he doing not enough as a servant of the public".

Since the allowance for NCMP and MP are fixed, we can only say if Leong is more "value for money" as compared to the rest..

One thing for sure, this topic has generated so much interest (basher and supporter alike), so he is definitely more "value for money" as compared with another NCMP and MP who did not generate any interest.

A reasonable allowance will be good considering rising expenses in Sg?

RE: NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - Blasterlord2 - 24-09-2021

As LMW gains in popularity we will see mounting attacks on him by the MIW in the future. Already, there are some websites already doing so.

RE: NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - Gemstar - 24-09-2021

(24-09-2021, 11:13 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  As LMW gains in popularity we will see mounting attacks on him by the MIW in the future. Already, there are some websites already doing so.
In my point of view, when there clear facts and truth, attacks is only one-sided and conclusions lies with many. I don't believed in propaganda that are untrue and merely a smearing campaign.

RE: NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - Ola - 24-09-2021

I found some1 same style like me . . .point -by-point.

He hit all the 10 points so well.

His speech is 120/100 marks. My New Idol.

I vote for PSP for next GE!!

RE: NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - forum456 - 24-09-2021

(23-09-2021, 11:25 PM)kangtangman Wrote:  A friend forward me this video which was not aired on our local media. Though his presentation or pronunciation may be off at times. But the whole speech was well written, in my opinion.

After the debate, any action to be taken to help the PMETs ?

Who will help the tens of thousands of unemployed and under employed PMETs ?

Do we need another PMET debate ?

RE: NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - forum456 - 24-09-2021

(24-09-2021, 11:42 AM)forum456 Wrote:  After the debate, any action to be taken to help the PMETs ?

Who will help the tens of thousands of unemployed and under employed PMETs ?

Do we need another PMET debate ?

Did PSP pass the list of 7500 PMETs to PAP to help them ?

What is the point of debate if no help is given to the PSP 7500 PMETs surveyed ?

RE: NCMP Leong Mun Wai's Closing Speech in parliament 20 Sept 2021 - forum456 - 24-09-2021

(24-09-2021, 11:39 AM)Ola Wrote:  I found some1 same style like me . . .point -by-point.

He hit all the 10 points so well.

His speech is 120/100 marks. My New Idol.

I vote for PSP for next GE!!

A good speech is good but not good enough if no action is taken.
Opposition needs to present real self collected data to force govt to take action.

when i deal with govt people, i do not tell them what is good and what is bad and expect them to do the right thing.
Nothing will happen.
I tell them that this is the real problem with all data, please resolve it and update me.