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4 Americans crossed into Mexico for health care kidnapped by drug cartel - Printable Version

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4 Americans crossed into Mexico for health care kidnapped by drug cartel - Levin - 07-03-2023

RE: 4 Americans crossed into Mexico for health care kidnapped by drug cartel - Levin - 08-03-2023

RE: 4 Americans crossed into Mexico for health care kidnapped by drug cartel - Sticw - 08-03-2023

Let's hope this doesn't become a trend in Asia too...

RE: 4 Americans crossed into Mexico for health care kidnapped by drug cartel - Levin - 09-03-2023

(08-03-2023, 09:03 PM)Sticw Wrote:  Let's hope this doesn't become a trend in Asia too...

Needs several factors. Firstly, healthcare in the country of the kidnapped persons must be very expensive. Secondly, the neighbouring country's healthcare must be cheaper and of an acceptable level. Thirdly, that neighbouring country must have criminal cartels that kidnap people.

RE: 4 Americans crossed into Mexico for health care kidnapped by drug cartel - Levin - 11-03-2023

RE: 4 Americans crossed into Mexico for health care kidnapped by drug cartel - cityhantam - 14-03-2023


【环球时报驻墨西哥特派记者 谢佳宁 环球时报记者 颜欢 于文】4名美国公民日前在墨西哥被贩毒集团绑架、其中两人被杀害一案在两国之间引发激烈争吵。一些美国议员扬言要“释放美国的愤怒和力量”,授权美国军队直接打击墨西哥贩毒集团,还指责墨西哥生产并输出芬太尼“毒害”美国人。墨西哥总统洛佩斯9日怒斥这些言论“不负责任”,严重侵犯墨西哥主权。他同时表示,墨西哥“不接受任何人的命令”,芬太尼是美国的问题,而不是墨西哥的。而上述绑架案的最新进展也让媒体直呼“离奇”。9日,5名被蒙着面、绑着双手、赤裸上身的男子出现在事发地街头,还附带一封来自涉事贩毒集团的“道歉信”。他们是真的肇事者吗?截至本报10日晚截稿,墨西哥和美国官方都没有给出确定答案。




