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How Much Is the Land Vivian and Shan Are Occupying Really Worth? - Printable Version

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How Much Is the Land Vivian and Shan Are Occupying Really Worth? - Reddishday - 14-05-2023

The fact that Shanmugam as Minister of Law heads the Singapore Land Authority, which is responsible for managing state land, including the magnificent mansions occupied by our former colonial administrators. It is worth noting that if you refused to answer questions during an interrogation by the Singapore Police, the judge hearing your case would be entitled to draw a negative inference from your silence meaning you would be more likely to be found guilty. Singaporeans should take note that the Government’s and the individuals concerned’s silence should therefore suggest that everything I have said is likely true or even worse than the picture I have painted.

The PAP Government always claims that high HDB prices reflect the scarcity of land in Singapore. This is of course true though the Government is incentivized to drive up the price of land because this boosts both the theoretical value of its reserves including land and the actual value of the financial reserves because HDB is obliged to pay the “market” price for the land it buys to build new flats. While pretending to be providing Singaporeans with affordable housing the PAP have cynically driven up prices by allowing Singaporeans to use most of their CPF to purchase housing and “subsidising” their purchases with money from the Budget. They also provide grants to HDB to cover its losses caused by the difference in what it pays for the land and what it sells BTO flats for.

A lot more at

RE: How Much Is the Land Vivian and Shan Are Occupying Really Worth? - Alice Alicia - 14-05-2023

RE: How Much Is the Land Vivian and Shan Are Occupying Really Worth? - Lukongsimi - 14-05-2023

Reserve land for future use?

RE: How Much Is the Land Vivian and Shan Are Occupying Really Worth? - WhatDoYouThink! - 14-05-2023

Brothers in trouble? Can get over?

RE: How Much Is the Land Vivian and Shan Are Occupying Really Worth? - red3 - 14-05-2023

Who bao toh one ...

RE: How Much Is the Land Vivian and Shan Are Occupying Really Worth? - Obamao - 15-05-2023

RE: How Much Is the Land Vivian and Shan Are Occupying Really Worth? - Alleggsinonebasket - 15-05-2023

How is this video relevant?

RE: How Much Is the Land Vivian and Shan Are Occupying Really Worth? - Nyvrem - 15-05-2023

SLA under law ministry, shan ge is safe!