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Ali Imran Wrote: (Yesterday, 08:47 AM)
You said the truth will set you free. Do you have the truth?
There was a direct conflict between James and Paul on this particular issue. I didn't pit th...
Ali Imran Wrote: (24-01-2025, 06:41 AM)
Who has the truth? James or Paul? Only 1 of them can be right.
You're harping on Sola Fide again - this heresy exaggerates the truth concerning salva...
S I M T A N Wrote: (21-01-2025, 12:57 AM)
It's been said that the way to learn how to recognize counterfeit money is not to study counterfeit money. You study the real thing - genuine currency - s...
S I M T A N Wrote: (23-01-2025, 02:01 AM)
Admittedly, the Christian message that belief and faith in Jesus Christ is absolutely essential for salvation is offensive to many non-Christians.
Ali Imran Wrote: (22-01-2025, 08:45 AM)
What have you studied about Islam? I am guessing you haven't done any serious study on Islam or the Quran.
Jesus affirmed Islam as the correct faith to h...
Ali Imran Wrote: (22-01-2025, 08:24 AM)
Not just the Islamic beliefs but also the Jewish beliefs. Other religions like Hinduism or any paganistic beliefs won't have any objections to your faith.
Ali Imran Wrote: (21-01-2025, 09:55 AM)
So there, as you can see, you cannot falsify my faith.
I reject Christianity and I have given lengthy explanations why I disbelieve it. We have discusse...
Lukongsimi Wrote: (20-01-2025, 02:58 PM)
The whole book of bible how come no religion such as Muslim?
Only the word Christian is found
The word Christian is used three times in the New Testame...
Ali Imran Wrote: (20-01-2025, 10:31 AM)
If you show me one, just one, false Islamic creed, I will stop being a Muslim immediately.
The Islamic creed for faith are:
1. One God
2. Judgement d...
victortan Wrote: (18-01-2025, 06:49 AM)
The angel told me in a cave at Bt Timah hill that BTC gg to 1m!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
buy buy or bye bye.
You may feel like a million bucks after getting y...
pinkpanther Wrote: (19-01-2025, 06:43 PM)
I am a Christian assisting my Muslim brothers in understanding the contradictions of the Quran and hope that they turn to Christ eventually lah :D
cheekopekman Wrote: (17-01-2025, 07:14 PM)
Actually the interpretation for lifting Jesus up is not so much about the physical act of Jesus on the Cross being lifted up from the ground but more of ...
Lukongsimi Wrote: (16-01-2025, 09:05 AM)
“Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus saith unto him,...
Ali Imran Wrote: (16-01-2025, 10:13 AM)
1. Is there any claim in the Bible itself that it is from God? I say no, the Bible didn't make that claim.
2. Is there a consensus on which Bible is the wo...
No set of laws can make us righteous before God. Christianity is not a set of rules, but rather a personal relationship with the Lord.
Ali Imran Wrote: (15-01-2025, 01:27 PM)
In these modern times, rejecting the Bible as God's revelation is understandable, given the scholarship already in existence.
Are people going to be put...
cheekopekman Wrote: (14-01-2025, 06:49 AM)
You're right lah, bro! :D But the Bible is very clear that we are all born sinners, sinners at birth lah! Children are innocent and won't know what is ri...
cheekopekman Wrote: (13-01-2025, 06:17 AM)
In the Bible, Jesus said let little children go to Him and do not hinder them because the kingdom of God belongs to them lah! :D We all must have childli...
Ali Imran Wrote: (12-01-2025, 02:18 PM)
I apologise for my assumption about your faith. Among Christians, they have different beliefs on this issue, as you well know.
What do you believe will ...
Ali Imran Wrote: (11-01-2025, 11:50 AM)
I guess we have a different concept of forgiveness. Your portrayal of the almighty Creator is different from the Quran. We believe in an all-merciful and of...
Ali Imran Wrote: (11-01-2025, 12:16 PM)
None of those verses give us the offer for salvation like the one you believe, where all one must do is simply to believe Jesus paid for sins with his death...
Critics have had a field day with this naysayer who has been forecasting a market crash that has yet to materialize after 40 years! The law of averages says that a crash will come any time now. :)
Ali Imran Wrote: (05-01-2025, 11:45 PM)
Ezekiel said differently. What Ezekiel said gives us a picture of a merciful God, like in the Quran. If we repent, mend our ways, and obey the Law, our sins...
S I M T A N Wrote: (05-01-2025, 01:36 AM)
The origin of evil is a riddle to us, but there's a simpler and the most common question people have regarding God: Why does a loving God allow evil and s...
Ali Imran Wrote: (05-01-2025, 03:22 PM)
I'm not sure what you mean by evil. To you, a child stealing a lollipop is the same as a mass murderer.
Haven't you heard of "yawm al akhirah", aka judgm...
Ali Imran Wrote: (05-01-2025, 03:00 PM)
I didn't see that particular offer from Jesus anywhere in the Bible.
How come?
"I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Fat...
Ali Imran Wrote: (04-01-2025, 09:10 AM)
According to you, a 10-year-old boy stealing a lollipop and a man stealing a million dollars merit the same punishment, eternal damnation. If that is what y...
Ali Imran Wrote: (03-01-2025, 12:04 AM)
That trilemma wasn't by John Stuart Mill. It is attributed to a Greek philosopher who lived more than 2,000 years before him. We as believers in the one tru...
sclim Wrote: (01-01-2025, 07:18 AM)
the argument assume that love only apply to good. love is towards all. good or evil itself is in doubt as different yard stick is used to measure good and bad....
Ali Imran Wrote: (31-12-2024, 10:53 AM)
In your previous post, you were telling us about our propensity to sin which is inherent in us.
Who made us like that?
Lukongsimi Wrote: (31-12-20...
Ali Imran Wrote: (30-12-2024, 06:11 AM)
We don't have the concept of original sin in our paradigm. We believe every human is born with a clean slate. What St Paul taught you is a foreign concept i...
Ali Imran Wrote: (29-12-2024, 10:02 AM)
The question is; why did God purposely create us with the propensity to sin when, according to you, God cannot tolerate sin?
I don't know. You know? ...
Ali Imran Wrote: (28-12-2024, 07:15 AM)
Yes, I already know what you believe about our Creator. You believe our Creator is not a forgiving God. He created us with a propensity to sin, yet he canno...
pinkpanther Wrote: (27-12-2024, 05:36 PM)
'Spiritual detergent' :clapping Nice way to describe it! I prefer Spiritual correction fluid...
Whenever Paul is brought up, Moslems tend to get stirr...
Ali Imran Wrote: (27-12-2024, 11:36 PM)
I don't believe Jesus is God and I cannot be blamed for it because it is illogical and irrational to believe a man who was walking about in downtown Jerusal...
Ali Imran Wrote: (27-12-2024, 11:19 PM)
Yes, of course it's not money but payment nonetheless. God demands payment and God pays for it. That is exactly like how I described it earlier.
And ano...
cheekopekman Wrote: (26-12-2024, 05:56 AM)
Thank you lah, bro! :D Salvation is free of charge to us but it cost the life of God's only begotten Son Jesus Christ lah! When Jesus shouted on the cros...
Ali Imran Wrote: (26-12-2024, 09:33 AM)
Hello and merry Christmas.
That is like God taking money from his own pocket and using it to pay himself. Does that make sense to you?
And how does Go...
cheekopekman Wrote: (25-12-2024, 10:16 AM)
When you redeem something like gold ring from the pawn shop you buy back lah! :D So redemption is God's plan for mankind to buy us back from Satan lah!
Alice Alicia Wrote: (24-12-2024, 06:21 AM)
Instead of building more stadiums, they are building too many condominiums.
There's no shortage of stadiums here. Many of these stadia are home tu...