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singapoo belongs to all she got all the rights and by the way singapooreans commit more crimes than these REFLECT RELFECT REFLECT REFLECT.....
singapore jobs meant for foreigenrs meaning non pink ic holder singaporeans encouraged to join grab security guard phv taxi driver leave the good jobs for foreigners instead
poor tourist if it happened in singapoo the tourist would been praised and the sinkie store clerk will be told to reflect should come here as a tourist instead....
leong wanna jiak her mango is it to ask her regarding fertility is as good as why sun cannot rise from the west and set in the east
the madafakas breach of the peace mentally draining curse of the sky been flying nonstop again pray a murder of crows strikes onto the f¹⁵ fast and furious and residents can live happily pea...
ranjiao lah wanna boost gdp to get bonuses payout say so lah simi against floods as an excuse you think these 4g really think of others? flood aka ponding only once 50 years heat humidi...
guys should find other nationalities same goes to the girls and make sure their nonsinkie spouses do not be fooled to take up pink ic if both sinkies no point getting a marriage cert which ai...
shameless heartless trump why no invite pinky? so sad.... if invited... should say the americans are great hardworking magicians abracadabra and gone both wtc towers
had hope when appointed as a pm now hope vanished into thin air 5% out of 100% vanished when keeps using founders statement as his own 5% out of 100% vanished when dressed like a clown being ...
when our almighty pinky gonna teach this fellow a lesson?
jack of all trades master of none ..... just like smart nation became scam nation must be some related contractors wanted to do the job for some good money the gov gonna waste on
trump knows how to talk cock sing song just like j.teo
integrate? can.... provided the pap starts to integrate themselves with the oppositions then likely the remaining 30-40% will follow integration with the new citizens am gladly let ramesh te...
amy khor will tell you not happy do not eat there....
the pledge  is for people to recite to make it happen on the pap and it is only meant for the pap not meant for the people
chao hippo ceca.... anyway they are pinkys favourite by the way wondering much why pinky went japan for holidayS instead of his motherland? he loves india so much should go and shower in...
if only oxley is an island there protection will be 24hrs 7 days a week if only....
thats why singapoo created punjab digital park just for them as well as a mrt station solely for then we bring eeeedia to singapoo  eeeendia on our minds
pinky must be feeling very very very very sad singapoo belongs to all do charter their flights to singapoo instead
28th? wheres ET? quick pay them well and get within top 3 thereafter brag about it like always
tomorrow 鬼门小开 aka ghost gate gonna be opened half the ghosts will be coming in through customs tomorrow at least half of them by coming monday 鬼门大开  infestation back to normal no more pea...
ranjiao lah singa💩 still remain as top tourists nation whenever you got a tumnmy ache or answering natures call, anywhere everywhere is your pee and poop place to be dine in hawkers coffeesho...
its an ugly jhb daughter of Lord Voldemort if reported as a sinkie needa ask pap why pink ic been given like toilet paper....
singa💩 still the best can pee and poop anywhere as you wish to need not to have public toilet when singa💩 is no.2 no one dare to be no.1
if they give money well enough to last a lifetime just like how they pay themselves well bet everyone sure gonna cast their vote correctly without hesitation but sadly its a toxic disgusting par...
they no longer serve for the interest of the people now they serve for the interest of their own toxic disgusting people
more  scams gonna surface for these 3300 individuals kong xi fai cai.... huat ah....
shoplifting none of my business and even one is next to me in a shop definitely will be aint worthy to be a busybody in toxic singapoo see something ignore ...
singapoo government pro employers bet they will just monitor and monitor using their eye power else warnings will be issued and thereafter it will be history, under carpet who the F cares....
victortan Wrote: (23-01-2025, 02:06 AM) -- When?? maybe i was inside the mall so cannot hear.. knn This pilot lucky, if not i curse him his plane sure kana crash... last time i curse, one plane...
[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: (22-01-2025, 08:40 PM) -- Fly again -- the madafakas gonna fly again in about 5mins time depending where you are
which government in the world would spend taxpayers monies onto commuist founders building thereafter increase this increase that which government in the world will pay themselves sky high salaries...
Parliament needs 60% Oppositions to survive:Yeshu Nazareen
f⁵ f¹⁵ party non stop since monday really a fuçkedup nation with nonstop noise pollution may 2025 have a one or two or three or infinity fighter jet crash and burn god do make it happen and b...
they can pm pinky tharman tommy koh via facebook bet these saints would be more than willing to house them here as well as provide them with good jobs so in return these chao ceca create good blowj...
singawhore is sick and tired of locals long crave for foreigners here is the motherland of the greatest whore; the little red menses dot; singawhore