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Besides being fast, it is also detachable from the main body
It is impossible to stop based on today's military technological capabilities
And Iran has even faster, better, more powerful missile...
moonrab Wrote: (Today, 07:37 PM)
They need more Israel’s Iron Dome, David’s Sling and Arrow missile to anticipate for the next Iran missiles strike...😊
You can put a whole footb...
maxchong2898 Wrote: (Today, 07:41 PM)
You can scold them after making friends with them.
cursing them to hell won't solve our current problem.
To talk to them, you waste their time, you als...
sgbuffett Wrote: (Today, 06:41 PM)
China govt again disappointed failing to sustain confidence causing markets to fall sharply.
Many who supported Chinese stocks and invested got burned.
Bw2023 Wrote: (Today, 06:45 PM)
If he's not denying it, you're on to something here
Why do you want to know or confirm if he is the owner of the forum? He is just an alien
IAM not saying i...
victortan Wrote: (Today, 06:25 PM)
Committing suicide is no solution.
If thing cannot be solve u commit suicide also cannot solve. So why kill yrself.
Try to solve as much as u can. If rea...
No need to mention him lah
He wont win
China announced its latest economic stimulus package on September 24, 2024. This package is considered the most substantial since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and aims to rejuvenate the economy ...
I prefer to scold their whole clan and curse them to hell
maxchong2898 Wrote: (Today, 04:07 PM)
Go and get a perfect girlfriend and boyfriend online through facebook groups, relating to making friends.
All these friends are from scamming organiz...
Technically the two are not at war
The Iraq conflict is a war, this is not
Symmetry Wrote: (Today, 03:10 PM)
They are targetted by so many surrounding countries and cannot retaliate.
Did not retaliate because like the USA, only knows how to whack women, children and...
grotesqueness Wrote: (Today, 03:08 PM)
Did he ate the apple?
SSE Composite is up, HSI is down today
Anyone can explain this?
No down, no up, it's ok
He married someone much younger than him?
Steady lah
when Fed flush the system with liquidity no one going to fight it. now USA Fed hands are constrained due to higher interest rate but China has lots of room, due to 0 inflation, to increase money suppl...
Which market will surge more? China or HKG?
Really need to put a stop to this IDF bastards
It seems the 4.1 earthquake is not so, but underground nuclear test done by Iran
Israhell confirm die!
grotesqueness Wrote: (Yesterday, 12:52 PM)
you ate the apple
we ate the apple
we all the same ate the apple
same same but not the same
grotesqueness Wrote: (Yesterday, 12:46 PM)
Jews are not all the same
Did all of them ate apples?
If so, then all of them are the same!
EvertonDiehard Wrote: (Yesterday, 08:47 AM)
If your neighbour crosses over to your house after cutting through your fence, murders your wife, kidnaps and rapes your daughter and tortures your son,...
Must watch, Israhell propaganda to Chinese celebrity got totally thrashed!
Very funny!
Why never advise no travel to Iran leh?
Bw2023 Wrote: (Yesterday, 08:32 AM)
The founders of Zionism & Israel are atheists - who do not believe in God.
The rallying call back then was "Land without people for a people without land".
Bw2023 Wrote: (Yesterday, 07:56 AM)
They want you to think this is one religion vs another.
If you stop seeing this like that, then it becomes more clearer to you what this is all about.
sgbuffett Wrote: (Yesterday, 03:09 AM)
Every one knows AFTER something already happens.
Master Leong calls to invest were made when market were low. You can look up his calls.
He got in af...
cheekopekman Wrote: (Yesterday, 06:14 AM)
Many nations will come and fight together with Israel lah! :D
Keep on dreaming
Israhell is now a pariah state
If many nations will come, should...
Don't talk about him lah, he wun't become the president
Fat hope for him!
Shameful, after one year of killing women, children and the defenseless in Gaza and becoming a pariah state that 99% of the world's countries spit on and avoid, still cannot defeat Hamas and having Ha...
If Israhell attack Iran's oil fields, then Israhell will be flattened like a pancake
So don't be so stewpig, Israhell already lost
When Syrian army join the Lebanon resistance, Israhell may even...
Because Russia will always protect Syria
I read Syria is coming in to fight alongside Lebanon
This is a pretext for Russia to join in and once and for all, push back at Israhell
For all we know, this war which Israhell already lost, ma...
victortan Wrote: (Yesterday, 12:20 AM)
Joy??? I think better wear thicker helmet
Israel sure take revenge.
Don’t know what action they will take. But they are vy cunning.
I think will b...
By killing more women, children and the defenseless
grotesqueness Wrote: (06-10-2024, 09:04 PM)
everyone was there
So you saw him eating the apple? Or your own imagination?
grotesqueness Wrote: (06-10-2024, 08:45 PM)
he ate all the chow cheese apple pie
now in hell
ate too much
Were you there when he ate the apple?
Ernesto Wrote: (06-10-2024, 08:35 PM)
Playing the victim
Karma will get all those who deserve retribution
This is the order of the cosmos
grotesqueness Wrote: (06-10-2024, 08:06 PM)
stop asking stupid question
they ate it
you ate it
we ate it
jesus did not ate it
What about Prophet Mohd? He ate or not?