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Need some advice if usual suspects were saved from more than 5000 years of DNA plasmids contamination and cognitive decline lololololol 🤣
Need some advice will Doge ask why hundreds of millions worth of mRNA jabs went down the drain due to expiry as usual suspects scared to update lololololol... 🤣
Need some advice who ish SURE notch happy about this lololololol.... :P
If happen in WP ward confirm will tio grill in parliament and courts riao lololololol.... :P
Need some advice ijjit never update latest mRNA jabs that's why crash from covid doomsday black tongue white lung variants lololololol.... :P
need some advice who ISH SURE NOTCH HAPPY ABOUT THIS lololololololoolol... :P
Need some advice who ish SURE notch happy about this but still scared to update latest mRNA jabs in 2025 lololololol.... :P
need some advice ijjit the shame and hypocrisy of the usual suspects stinks tills the high havens lololololl.... :P
Need some advice if gotch real slap confirm police report made by the usual suspects cause that's their usual antics lololololol.... :P
need some advice why also no evidence that mRNA jabs ish not safe and effective yet usual suspects scared until no balls lololololol... :P
need some advice on the papagranda analysis of SAFE and EFFECTIVE mRNA jabs lololololololol.... :P
need some advice when gonna apologize for threatening public health by avoiding the latest mRNA jabs lololololololol... :P
cheekopekman Wrote: (04-12-2024, 03:44 PM)
Better don't go to China lah! :D So dangerous leh!
Better ask him to GPGT latest mRNA jabs cause singapore "dangerous" due to Visa free lolololololol...
Bigiron Wrote: (25-11-2024, 12:36 PM)
Check out "PAP SG"
So fast rating 4.8.. 😂
Need some advice what about the guai lanz foreign PR grassloots trying to get Citizenship without serving NS lololololololol.... :P
Need some advice ish useful idiots in high demand? :P
need to relook why usual suspects and useful idiots ish scared to update latest mRNA jabs lololololololol.... :P
they ish scared of unforeseen repercussion rike the usual suspects ish scared of the latest mRNA jabs lolololololololol... :P
see the national rally, no one clap for the founder memorial already kn...
need some advice why useful idiots till today still cannot answer why 1st to 4th will already have the demolition clause and the 7th and final will was just a reversion that was inline with 1st 4 will...
Clyde Wrote: (01-10-2024, 09:21 PM)
How come nobody ask about OYK? Nobody is here to defend pap now
Need some advice ijjjit died suddenly cause never GPGT latest mRNA jab with 99% efficacy lol...
aiptasia Wrote: (21-09-2024, 07:56 PM)
FLG cultists can buy them all up then LOL!
funny none of them even GPGT even after saying they will buy to support lolololololol... :P
mouth berry hard,...
OutBreak Wrote: (21-09-2024, 01:32 PM)
Need some advice is busy with 遥遥领先。
need some advice how to 遥遥领先 if sit on the made in china SIHOO chair and typing on made in china keyboard? :P
aiptasia Wrote: (21-09-2024, 01:17 PM)
What are freedom pineapples?
another one of those HYPED up narratives blindly parroted by the usual suspects that turn to shiat... :P
much rike the l...
MoeLanYong Wrote: (20-09-2024, 09:39 AM)
Hope the matter is resolved =)
Of course ish resolved and the justice ish done.
But sure gotch peepur notch happy about this. :P
play with fire, don't blame the fire hot... (
Play with fire, don't blame fire too hot when kenna burned 9696....
Tips: Just ask the fake "Geneco" in to produce the "Geneco" login profile in SGTALK user CP or the HWZ EDMW user CP.
they won't be able and can't produce it...
957 (
Do make a police report if you have revealed sensitive or confidential information to the user/group behind the imposter "geneco" in EDMW...
OutBreak Wrote: (16-09-2024, 12:47 PM)
Yes. Nothing is fake about Huawei.
His nick is as fake as a scammer.
fake nevermind... :P
fake + imposter + scammer is worst than scum lololololololo...
Does it matter when you have a Senior Liar Intrinion riding on the moral high horse and a Petty Lil Ottoke on the ego Rollercoaster? :P
cannot be cannot be! :P
send ghost of kiev surround moscow! :P
need some advice who ish sure notch happy about this! :P
OutBreak Wrote: (10-09-2024, 10:18 PM)
I almost fall out of my chair. LOL
I bet he is typing CAPS on his Xiaomi phone. :rotfl
need some advice if the chair ish also made in china SIHOO bra...
OutBreak Wrote: (10-09-2024, 08:55 PM)
So many poor people in edmw jelly people buying this phone.
jelly until their made in china keyboard need to type in CAPS lolololololoolol... :P
WhatDoYouThink! Wrote: (09-09-2024, 08:51 AM)
He has given enough warnings and sounds serious, why would some still want to him out? You too?
Some people need to learn things the hard way lolo...
Clyde Wrote: (05-09-2024, 12:54 PM)
Ermaos no job should go after the pappies government and not xjp.
who say they no jod? :P
their job ish being a useful idiot lolololololololol... :P
see t...
ArielCasper Wrote: (08-09-2024, 10:34 PM)
Why cry foul now when the defamation lawsuits has been previously brought upon folks like JBJ on his knees.
JBJ took it like a strong person, made bankr...
OutBreak Wrote: (08-09-2024, 05:57 PM)
Fengshuiawareness see liao will be very dulan. Need some advice.
they didn't even GPGT any of their Hyped Up FREEDOM PINEAPPLE? 🖤🍍
[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: (08-09-2024, 06:11 PM)
He got sue this Cheng , so how Cheng react? His connection with PAP got involve?
does PAP want to touch this steaming pile of shiat before the e...
Sentinel Wrote: (08-09-2024, 06:04 PM)
I think similar to what yoú smear me about lor, maybe less aggressive than what you did to me
some people need to haul them up to the courts to produce e...