AGM someone asked Mano to stop asking top many questions

(27-04-2024, 05:20 PM)Harry Lee Wrote:  I don't follow Mano portfolio and came to know of him after see him at several agms. Even though I chatted with him several times I don't expect him to "know" me. Unlike others extremely longwinded who keep asking irrelevant questions I find him OK and his questions are valid. He is not into getting free food as he left immediately after he gets his a answers, even though the food was good.

Every shareholder is entitled to his opinions and it is unreasonable of the woman to attack him for giving "wrong advice" just becos she don't agree with him.
It is also Irresponsible for ppl who followed his advice to blame him when things didn't turn out right. You are responsible for the your own decisions even if its blindly following others advice. It is the decisions of the management of the company whether to adopt shareholders feedback or not. And, advice given out may be right at that point of time... but circumstances can change....

Anyway, I supported him in that agm becos I agreed with the issues he highlighted and his recommendations was appropriate. He was polite and not aggressive in pushing his points.

u can complain to mas if he mislead u to buy shares that losss money for the reason that he does not hold a licence to give advice on what to invest

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