‘How many people will we kill today?’: UK's reality facing NHS ambulance workers

Rebecca Thomas
Mon, 27 February 2023 at 8:03 am SGT

Health workers are worrying about “how many people they will kill today” as they struggle to cope with the consequences of NHS ambulance delays, a shocking new report has revealed.

Paramedics and call-handlers have been left feeling “demoralised” as they deal with the “burden” of trying to look after sick patients facing long waits for care.


a record 6,000 patients were likely to have been “severely harmed” as ambulance delays hit record levels in December. Patients who should receive a response within 18 minutes for category two emergencies – such as suspected strokes or heart attacks – were waiting an hour and a half


an unconscious patient was forced to wait three and a half hours in an ambulance outside A&E.

Staff told investigators that there were times when more than 100 patients in the second most urgent category – those suspected to be suffering from strokes or heart attacks – were waiting for ambulances, with none available to respond.


Wow worst than 3rd world. Still want to fight China....pui!!!

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