【专家:有多大的头,就该戴多大的帽子】职衔太低没人要? 雇主夸大职衔聘请“经理”“总监”盼吸引人才

【专家:有多大的头,就该戴多大的帽子】职衔太低没人要? 雇主夸大职衔聘请“经理”“总监”盼吸引人才

红蚂蚁Telegram新闻推送 :https://t.me/redantssg

Inflated ego is necessary since cannot get the cold hard cash
[+] 1 user Likes red3's post

same like the gov

if he aint the appointed son

he will be just a teacher among one of the school

instead of using his pea brain destroying disrupting citizens livelihood and wellbeing for gain

and many of them are of inflated ego too
[+] 1 user Likes KILLjoy's post

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