上海豪宅3、4折出售 china property bubble today is 10x of US subprime 2008

(26-09-2022, 01:50 PM)kokee Wrote:  china & HK property price like crazy & almost no buyers now, whole world know well!
same to china economy collapsing, debt bubble burst, no money now, keep print like no tomorrow to sustain!!
ponzi going on, very soon no money to pay even interest!! coming, be patient!!

CHINA Property Market is Largest PONZI SCHEME in World History as Advanced Payments & Cash Disappear

china property bubble burst totally now!
no money now, this burst already affected ton of china banks bankrupt & banks runs!
will only get worse from here with economy collapsing, who will still buy property now with foreigners mostly run road & local 1 child policy with hundreds of millions of property excess & abandon all over across china today!!

China's broken housing market: Cash-strapped builders halt construction mid-way



(19-08-2022, 10:51 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  N Moronic kokee your daddy laughs cheo kau peng hor
[Image: EE0-E5-A3-C-9-A74-43-A5-9-D99-51-DECFF0-ED6-A.gif]

https://media.tenor.com/cvhG4_K8V5MAAAAM...ughing.gif https://media.tenor.com/DgdiLkQcPFEAAAAM...linton.gif https://media.tenor.com/eWTxq7C0RzIAAAAM...ughter.gif 
Hahaha all kokee stooge’s here liao cheo kau peng hor LL 

Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous slave kokee and stooge’s go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL

china going back to mao time communism, eventually still has private property? hahaaa!
almost all rich & famous run road super fast now!



I said it 1-2 yrs ago, china property bubble burst!
ton of china property selling at S$1k-8k per unit with 500-800 sq feet size, all over china today!
same to china economy collapse & all foreign investment & factories pull out of china!
RMB diving down, huawei & almost all china steal technology & copy cat will end badly!
china has totally gone case in semicon & IC industry, AI & all the high tech!
unemployment in china is super scary now, jobless, in huge debt almost every family, more worse to come!

中國房價腰斬沒救了?! "亞洲房災延燒"上海6折拋售北京房地產更慘2.5折還賣不掉 中國女子房賣不出憤而跳樓輕生



(24-06-2023, 09:45 AM)kokee Wrote:  I said it 1-2 yrs ago, china property bubble burst!
ton of china property selling at S$1k-8k per unit with 500-800 sq feet size, all over china today!
same to china economy collapse & all foreign investment & factories pull out of china!
RMB diving down, huawei & almost all china steal technology & copy cat will end badly!
china has totally gone case in semicon & IC industry, AI & all the high tech!
unemployment in china is super scary now, jobless, in huge debt almost every family, more worse to come!

中國房價腰斬沒救了?! "亞洲房災延燒"上海6折拋售北京房地產更慘2.5折還賣不掉 中國女子房賣不出憤而跳樓輕生


So, Kokee's China collapse theory is here again!  Rotfl


(24-06-2023, 09:45 AM)kokee Wrote:  I said it 1-2 yrs ago, china property bubble burst!
ton of china property selling at S$1k-8k per unit with 500-800 sq feet size, all over china today!
same to china economy collapse & all foreign investment & factories pull out of china!
RMB diving down, huawei & almost all china steal technology & copy cat will end badly!
china has totally gone case in semicon & IC industry, AI & all the high tech!
unemployment in china is super scary now, jobless, in huge debt almost every family, more worse to come!

中國房價腰斬沒救了?! "亞洲房災延燒"上海6折拋售北京房地產更慘2.5折還賣不掉 中國女子房賣不出憤而跳樓輕生


Where is this flg cult xiao lang, his last visit was June 2023, a year ago?  

Bungalows near Malacca only $75k each

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