(03-05-2022, 05:44 PM)kokee Wrote: this axis of evil act is targeted Xi & china, china US$10 trillion of foreign asset will likely to frozen or confiscated.
run now? run where? only can run back to china, then fully exposed themselves, end result is the same, all these corrupted communists.
5.2 【美國對準習軸心!】習近平成為美國新推出「軸心法」的重點制裁對象,中共海外逾十萬億美元資產恐遭凍結!
why china RMB plunges so hard recently? simple, ton of investment & factories move out of china, all dump RMB & buy USD, that is why RMB crash down.
with these china will lose few 10m of jobs easily, no money, property & stock market crash, domestic market also crash, may holiday quiet till like ghost town.
property auction by banks jump easily 30000% compared to 2-3 yrs back.