习出事儿了,xi,你在哪儿?quarantine 10 days? cant tell truth? norm!

disappear 10 days after back to china, cannot be quarantine, 99.99% not infected covid! so why cant tell the truth?
fxxking ccp news can said whatever no problem, whenever they say no, answer almost 100% is yes!!! this is norm!!
so many important meeting including top military meeting to lick PLA to ensure his next presidency also not attending? not only he did not attend, his defense minister, his police minister & all his top lickers, all disappear! LOL LOL!
no confirmation but 70-80% is there!!! hahaaa!!!



so many discussion even inside china media although they try hard to censor.
hard truth is there, people can see & discuss!! why cancel almost all flight in beijing, no HSR also going to cancel to  prevent flee? who flee? obvious!!
all the PLA movement in beijing can be seen by the people there, how to close everything?
so many rumor, so simple just let winnie come out to shout  1 sound also cant?

二十大代表名单公布,共青团微博遭屏蔽 中俄或组独裁轴心国,世界秩序面临巨大冲击!


Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof

https://media.tenor.com/cvhG4_K8V5MAAAAM...ughing.gif https://media.tenor.com/DgdiLkQcPFEAAAAM...linton.gif https://media.tenor.com/9Jpj6U1Bq9YAAAAM...ically.gif
National scum Shameless bankrupt Pitiful slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL

(26-09-2022, 09:48 AM)Omnipresent88 Wrote:  Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof

https://media.tenor.com/cvhG4_K8V5MAAAAM...ughing.gif https://media.tenor.com/DgdiLkQcPFEAAAAM...linton.gif https://media.tenor.com/9Jpj6U1Bq9YAAAAM...ically.gif
National scum Shameless bankrupt Pitiful slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL

https://media.tenor.com/9Jpj6U1Bq9YAAAAM...ically.gif https://media.tenor.com/mWXg3GzhYzMAAAAM...n-hart.gif https://media.tenor.com/eWTxq7C0RzIAAAAM...ughter.gif 

Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL

nothing is confirmed now, all need to judge based on your understanding of china politics!!
3 more weeks to decide who will be the next china president! 
as I said above, every times when ccp news deny, then the end result forever is opposite, it is happening!!
not only winnie disappear, all his closed kaki all disappear in last 1-2 weeks!!
of course, I still hope winnie can succeed to continue to be china president! LOL LOL!

习近平是否“被软禁”? 习近平团队 显示“群龙无首”的混乱状态

宫廷政变,习近平遭软禁,中共20大谣言可行性分析报告 2022-09-25


(26-09-2022, 09:48 AM)Omnipresent88 Wrote:  Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof

https://media.tenor.com/cvhG4_K8V5MAAAAM...ughing.gif https://media.tenor.com/DgdiLkQcPFEAAAAM...linton.gif https://media.tenor.com/9Jpj6U1Bq9YAAAAM...ically.gif
National scum Shameless bankrupt Pitiful slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL

https://media.tenor.com/DKk4Fbz8AoYAAAAM...inping.gif https://media.tenor.com/94aIlpO2HHoAAAAM...inping.gif https://media.tenor.com/9Jpj6U1Bq9YAAAAM...ically.gif 

Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL



(30-06-2022, 09:07 AM)kokee Wrote:  below is niubee, wet dream till he died, taiwanese live happily with their freedom & right another few thousands yrs after this old fool died.
asking nonsense, dream rubbish.
below also all the comie dogs here, all know who they are.


all these moronic comie dogs here, wait for another 5000 yrs!! LOL LOL!

all these dogs here still block my posts like insane dogs now!! hahaaa!!
they imply they scared, panic & lost till pantless!!

(26-09-2022, 09:48 AM)Omnipresent88 Wrote:  Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof

https://media.tenor.com/cvhG4_K8V5MAAAAM...ughing.gif https://media.tenor.com/DgdiLkQcPFEAAAAM...linton.gif https://media .tenor.com/9Jpj6U1Bq9YAAAAM/laughing-hysterically.gif
National scum Shameless bankrupt Pitiful slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL

https://media.tenor.com/94aIlpO2HHoAAAAM...inping.gif https://media.tenor.com/DKk4Fbz8AoYAAAAM...inping.gif https://media.tenor.com/eWTxq7C0RzIAAAAM...ughter.gif 
Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL

china has no election by the people to choose their party or president!!
once conflict, see blood!
so after next months election, ton will go to jail forever or life sentence or whatever, depend on what charges they used or created or whole world know well, the loser side!!

Rumors swirling on social media of Chinese president under house arrest


(26-09-2022, 09:48 AM)Omnipresent88 Wrote:  Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof

https://media.tenor.com/cvhG4_K8V5MAAAAM...ughing.gif https://media.tenor.com/DgdiLkQcPFEAAAAM...linton.gif https://media.tenor.com/9Jpj6U1Bq9YAAAAM...ically.gif
National scum Shameless bankrupt Pitiful slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL

https://media.tenor.com/eWTxq7C0RzIAAAAM...ughter.gif https://media.tenor.com/mWXg3GzhYzMAAAAM...n-hart.gif https://media.tenor.com/9Jpj6U1Bq9YAAAAM...ically.gif 

Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL

winnie xi disappear from 10 days, not only discuss inside china, also ton in twitters!!
why hide here & there? no need to work? as a country leader, so easy?
did he care for china people or china economy? my foot!! 200% of his time is just on political fight to be president in last few yrs!!
of course his name will be in next month meeting!!



(26-09-2022, 09:48 AM)Omnipresent88 Wrote:  Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof

https://media.tenor.com/cvhG4_K8V5MAAAAM...ughing.gif https://media.tenor.com/DgdiLkQcPFEAAAAM...linton.gif https://media.tenor.com/9Jpj6U1Bq9YAAAAM...ically.gif
National scum Shameless bankrupt Pitiful slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL

https://media.tenor.com/9Jpj6U1Bq9YAAAAM...ically.gif https://media.tenor.com/LPaOZv3nIiIAAAAM...-trump.gif https://media.tenor.com/eWTxq7C0RzIAAAAM...ughter.gif 

Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL

where are below all winnie xi closest comrade now? his proposed successor also not seen for 10 days, police minister, defense minister, his right & left hand man all gone in last 10 days, totally no sound!! LOL LOL!
all play hide & seek & no need to work, this country will auto pilot? my foot!!
that moron in US now keep licking US & Ukraine now & F russia! hahaaa!!

【 習家軍集體失蹤?】習近平消失8天,栗戰書丁薛祥沒有露面,劉鶴何立峰亦不見了,王小洪被控制了嗎



Fake news from FLG.  

Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl    Laughing Laughing Laughing 

all these know nut comie dogs, what also dont know, jnly know lick & lick balls & banana everyday, tough jobs!!
all these morons, brainless to con or brainwash brainless supporters here, all these dogs!!
so many happening in beijing today, troops, tankers, PLA, flight & HSR, all the dogs running around, panic & let  see who will be in jail for life after next month, no? LOL LOL!
all waiting to take revenge!!

「美保守派媒體Newsmax:連續專題報導“習近平軟禁”」Shitao TV - 03 (25/09/22) 煙霧彌漫⋯7600架出境飛機取消


(26-09-2022, 09:48 AM)Omnipresent88 Wrote:  Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof

https://media.tenor.com/cvhG4_K8V5MAAAAM...ughing.gif https://media.tenor.com/DgdiLkQcPFEAAAAM...linton.gif https://media.tenor.com/9Jpj6U1Bq9YAAAAM...ically.gif
National scum Shameless bankrupt Pitiful slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL

https://media.tenor.com/cvhG4_K8V5MAAAAM...ughing.gif https://media.tenor.com/LPaOZv3nIiIAAAAM...-trump.gif https://media.tenor.com/eWTxq7C0RzIAAAAM...ughter.gif 

Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL

归西 liao la..

https://media.tenor.com/LPaOZv3nIiIAAAAM...-trump.gif https://media.tenor.com/cvhG4_K8V5MAAAAM...ughing.gif https://media.tenor.com/eWTxq7C0RzIAAAAM...ughter.gif
Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous slave kokee and stooge’s go take medication and bananas cheo kau peng hor LL

All kokee stooge’s here liao cheo cheo kau peng hor LL

all the signs are there, be patient!!!


習近平危矣?北京激戰!宋平送終習近平?胡溫聯手宋平 軟禁習?李克強突然打破沉默 反對清零「一刀切」


(26-09-2022, 09:48 AM)Omnipresent88 Wrote:  Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof

https://media.tenor.com/cvhG4_K8V5MAAAAM...ughing.gif https://media.tenor.com/DgdiLkQcPFEAAAAM...linton.gif https://media.tenor.com/9Jpj6U1Bq9YAAAAM...ically.gif
National scum Shameless bankrupt Pitiful slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL

https://media.tenor.com/mWXg3GzhYzMAAAAM...n-hart.gif https://media.tenor.com/eWTxq7C0RzIAAAAM...ughter.gif https://media.tenor.com/9Jpj6U1Bq9YAAAAM...ically.gif 
Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor 

Hahaaa kokee in extreme pain liao cheo kau peng hor

Since Xi JingPing visited Kazakhstan for a 3 days visit beginning from 14 September.

And he has to quarantine for 10 days after his return from the trip. So he will be out of quarantine around 27/28 September.

We shall wait if he will have a public appearance given that this liar claimed that it was a coup, therefore Xi JingPing should not appear in public anymore, in view of his house arrest.

Let wait and see how this thread-starter liar who spin 24/7 of fake news from unsolicited source will say next?

I reckoned that more lies and make up stories will come from this liar.

Kokee wants to suck China coks now.

(26-09-2022, 09:01 PM)Notdumb Wrote:  Kokee wants to suck China coks now.

Moronic Kokee Cok wants to suck China Military's coks!

Maybe more thrill!  Rotfl

now critical time to fight for presidency, disappear for 11 days now, also his whole gang also not seen at all!!
dont fight for presidency at least appear to help china economy or covid lock down, also bochap!!! LOL LOL!!
this fxxking ccp china govt is totally bochap govt? hahaaa!




(26-09-2022, 09:48 AM)Omnipresent88 Wrote:  Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof

https://media.tenor.com/cvhG4_K8V5MAAAAM...ughing.gif https://media.tenor.com/DgdiLkQcPFEAAAAM...linton.gif https://media.tenor.com/9Jpj6U1Bq9YAAAAM...ically.gif
National scum Shameless bankrupt Pitiful slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL

https://media.tenor.com/LPaOZv3nIiIAAAAM...-trump.gif https://media.tenor.com/cvhG4_K8V5MAAAAM...ughing.gif https://media.tenor.com/eWTxq7C0RzIAAAAM...ughter.gif 

Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL

whole china today in dilemma & tragedy!!
whether is covid lock down in whole china or jobless all over china today!
economy collapse & people dying & shouting everywhere & he is in hiding mode for what? LOL LOL!!
this is politics? hahaa!



(26-09-2022, 09:48 AM)Omnipresent88 Wrote:  Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof

https://media.tenor.com/cvhG4_K8V5MAAAAM...ughing.gif https://media.tenor.com/DgdiLkQcPFEAAAAM...linton.gif https://media.tenor.com/9Jpj6U1Bq9YAAAAM...ically.gif
National scum Shameless bankrupt Pitiful slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL

[Image: DFF8715-A-F80-D-480-B-AB00-5-EF7-EE660134.jpg]

[Image: B402-FA13-6-C07-4-F03-A4-A5-B7-D636905-AB2.jpg]

Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts hor 

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one hor

(26-09-2022, 09:26 AM)kokee Wrote:  disappear 10 days after back to china, cannot be quarantine, 99.99% not infected covid! so why cant tell the truth?
fxxking ccp news can said whatever no problem, whenever they say no, answer almost 100% is yes!!! this is norm!!
so many important meeting including top military meeting to lick PLA to ensure his next presidency also not attending? not only he did not attend, his defense minister, his police minister & all his top lickers, all disappear! LOL LOL!
no confirmation but 70-80% is there!!! hahaaa!!!


ximitaijee leh?

(27-09-2022, 11:28 AM)cheekopekman Wrote:  ximitaijee leh?

https://media.tenor.com/DKk4Fbz8AoYAAAAM...inping.gif https://media.tenor.com/Tii3MhKr9voAAAAM...apping.gif 
Botaijee leh kokee stooge’s cheo kau peng hor LL

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