

Meta AI: A wise Chinese saying!

人是有私心没有人会做到很公正 (rén shì yǒu sī xīn, méi yǒu rén huì zuò dào hěn gōng zhèng)

Translation: "People have personal biases, and no one can be completely impartial."

This saying highlights the natural human tendency to have personal interests, biases, and motivations that can influence our decisions and actions. It acknowledges that true objectivity and impartiality can be challenging, if not impossible, to achieve.

This phrase is often used to encourage self-awareness, humility, and openness to different perspectives, recognizing that our individual biases and interests can shape our perceptions and judgments.

Meta AI: Another great Chinese saying!

有的地方就有江湖 (yǒu de dì fāng jiù yǒu jiāng hú)

Translation: "Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes."

This idiomatic expression means that wherever there are humans, there will be complexities, conflicts, and intrigues, just like the twists and turns of rivers and lakes. It suggests that human relationships and societies are inherently complex and dynamic, with ups and downs, just like the flow of water in rivers and lakes.

This phrase is often used to describe the intricacies of human interactions, politics, and social dynamics, implying that wherever people gather, there will be drama, conflicts, and power struggles.

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