
(04-05-2022, 11:19 AM)kokee Wrote:  russia military power totally gone case now, only left nukes, no one know whether their nukes working or not as not seen also not tested before.
US already said they van handle russia nukes, if this is true, then russia totally game over, waiting for the world to take over russia, the whole country to form a brand new world.


russia keep barking on his nukes means russia already reach the end road, show hands & that is all russia have, no more attacking power against Ukraine.
same as NK, can only bark nukes now & then when they have no more food, beg for money, then they fire empty nukes to threaten world peace for $$. Russia today is like NK liao.



(06-05-2022, 11:14 AM)kokee Wrote:  russia keep barking on his nukes means russia already reach the end road, show hands & that is all russia have, no more attacking power against Ukraine.
same as NK, can only bark nukes now & then when they have no more food, beg for money, then they fire empty nukes to threaten world peace for $$. Russia today is like NK liao.


Why Ukraine begging for help huh? Laughing

(03-05-2022, 07:31 PM)kokee Wrote:  china govt media now said russia will lose in Ukraine war & Russia will be dissected by 12 country, china will share with the rest 11 country on russia land.
sound like russia will lose till surrender & whole country will be gone & no more russia in future.
china is eyeing or try to please the west & work with west to attack russia?
can russia work with the west & attack china & dissect china?
what happen to china & xi? suddenly betray russia totally? so worry & scared?

5.2 【十二國瓜分俄羅斯?】中國官媒預言俄羅斯最終戰敗,國土被十二國瓜分,中國亦分一杯羹!

whole world is waiting for russia to surrender & dissect like 1990 again, how to split huge lands of russia eventually?
a new world order without russia in future.
putin end russia is the best, all these moronic evil nazi invader, deserve it.

20220504 烏克蘭只接受普丁投降書!? 烏軍集結完畢…俄恐「戰後崩壞」再次分裂!


best news of the day, Ukraine going to attack mode soon, all the way to moscow?
settle mariupol & donbas 1st, then takeover crimea, then bomb north all the way to putin palace.
Russia likely will surrender before that use putin operation as excuse, F them to hell, all these evil devil deserve anything to flatten russia, next china.

乌军总司令宣布大规模反攻即将开始! 俄黑海舰队又一战舰恐被击沉!


(04-05-2022, 12:46 PM)kokee Wrote:  as above, russia has totally no military power to fight Ukraine now.
to date, around 30000 russia army, generals & chief commanders died in this war yet after almst 70 days, russia not control 1 inch of Ukraine land.
why Ukraine so accurate can kill so many russia generals & chief commanders, almost 50% of total russia army? war information & super accurate weapons provided by US. starlink, google & ton more of information to locate using the latest technology.
putin? xi?



as above, why Ukraine kill russia general & chief commanders so easy & accurate? US information & technology like what  they have done in syria, afghanistan & so on.



Ukraine army recover many town in Donbas now, mariupol is just a matter of time.
comie dogs can bark whatever lies they want, norm.
another warship sink, well done, Ukraine.
soon will see Ukraine army attack & fight inside Russia.

乌军开始反攻,今天收复哈尔科夫5座城镇! 俄黑海舰队“马卡罗夫海军上将”号军舰被击中燃烧得到多方证实! 拒当炮灰,俄罗斯各地青年纷纷烧毁征兵站、汽油


Ukraine ready to attack russia, russia panic & scared now, threatening nukes again, this useLESS BASTARD LIKE CHINA PANIC OVER Sanction.
russia lack of weapons & army, cant fight now, wait to be slaughtered.



(07-05-2022, 01:10 PM)kokee Wrote:  Ukraine ready to attack russia, russia panic & scared now, threatening nukes again, this useLESS BASTARD LIKE CHINA PANIC OVER Sanction.
russia lack of weapons & army, cant fight now, wait to be slaughtered.


So when Ukraine taking over Russia? Thinking

Didnt u said Russia lost 3 months ago? Or u just a farking angmo coks sucking liar?
[+] 1 user Likes Notdumb's post

russia junk weapons, carrier, jet, warship, tanks, missile, all cannot make it, too far behind the west.
best gift for putin may 9 victory day.

5.6 最新消息【黑海艦隊一家團聚!】烏克蘭海王星導彈又擊中馬卡洛夫海軍上將號巡防艦,為普京送上5月9日的大禮!


Moronic kokee king of lies and know nuts you before 3 days Russia will collapse hor LOL LOL

(07-05-2022, 01:57 PM)kokee Wrote:  russia junk weapons, carrier, jet, warship, tanks, missile, all cannot make it, too far behind the west.
best gift for putin may 9 victory day.

5.6 最新消息【黑海艦隊一家團聚!】烏克蘭海王星導彈又擊中馬卡洛夫海軍上將號巡防艦,為普京送上5月9日的大禮!

Useless weapons why Ukraine so happy to loot Russian weapons huh? Laughing

Ukraine going to chase all russia army out of Ukraine & attack crimea on victory day?
russia lost till pantless now can only use nukes to threaten, real hooligan dog like comie dog here.
Ukraine army generally in control now, wait for final instruction from US & NATO to start full attack on russia, now negotiation with russia going on as russia panic over bombing inisde russia land now.

5.7 最新戰況【俄軍退回邊境!】哈爾科夫烏軍強力反攻,俄軍補給線被切斷,被迫退回俄國境內!

南奥塞梯雇佣军逃离乌克兰战场,只因认定俄军必败! 乌军将炸断克里米亚大桥,让俄罗斯“胜利日”变成“耻辱日”!


russia army are losing & retreating in Ukraine now, no attacking power wait for Ukraine to get instruction to destroy them totally inside Ukraine & out of Ukraine totally.
after almost 75 days of war, russia not even control 1 inch of Ukraine land, once Ukraine start to occupy crimea, next will be attacking russia fully, negotiate now, let see putin & russia how they want to stop & surrender or russia will be dissected again like 1990 & totally gone eventually.




Moronic kokee king of lies and know nuts and long list of out dated spam hor Rotfl

NATO & US weapons are much much more advanced than russia junk.
US is ready to deal with russia nukes now, global cannot forever threaten under evil devil nukes from china, russia & NK.
must destroy their nukes to let them know has nukes cannot harm the world & evil must be destroyed.

英国国防部:乌军重创俄精锐部队! 俄军事专家:俄武器过时,无法抗衡北约装备! 俄黑海舰队进入团灭时期!

This is NATO's Deadliest Rocket Launcher System


all these moroic here, fact & truth is so obvious now, let see a real putin or fake one in may 9 victory day, he of course dare not dont appear today.
know nut comie bark victory day parade in mariupol? my foot, putin dare to come, S$1 mil bet for $1k, who want to take? US 1st lady alone without biden present in Ukraine now, canada pm also arrive in Kiev, nothing to csared or worry.
all these moronic comie liars here.

赫尔松俄军如惊弓之鸟! 美国第一夫人访问乌克兰! 加拿大总理访问基辅!


Farking kokee the looser who only know how to suck angmo coks.🤣🤣🤣

More and more Ukrainian soldiers surrender.

[Image: FC0-B1827-CB21-460-D-9-CB9-7-ABA0-FC36835.jpg]

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Farking kokee the looser who only know how to suck angmo coks.🤣🤣🤣

russia army lost & run like pariah dog in donbas area, retreat 40 km, cut off bridges to avoid attack by Ukraine army.
russia army fully out of Ukraine is just a matter of time.
struggle & drag time will only make russia lost more as both russia both military & economy almost bankrupt now.



Farking kokee the looser who only know how to suck angmo coks.🤣🤣🤣

as above, Europe is going to sanction, ban russia oil soon.
all these moronic comie dogs here bark BS & know nut, russia better dump fast before kena cut off totally everywhere.
whether comie here post lies, norm, russia near bankrupt now, defaulted so many bond payment, both economy & military almost bankrupt, cant even pay russia army salary now, real clowns.
all these moronic liars here, theold & simpleman can only use communist source to lie, con or brainwash morons here, fact & truth are so obvious now, still got brainless here believe their shit, real morons.





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in victory day, putin can only blame the west, lies about his invasion, con or brainwash morons like china slavery, that is all all these rubbish nonsense can do, no fact & truth, no power & strength, totally hopeless & useless.

why putin blame the west in victory day? if he wins, he needs to blame? when a person blame others, then he is a totally useless dog, why blame & complain in life? what kind of shit he is?

俄红场大阅兵,普京讲话干巴巴,气数将尽! 俄军的第二阶段战略目标,完败!


Ukraine army full of confidence now, chase almost all russia army out of Ukraine now.
they can handle weapons from NATO & US so well now, all the powerful & accurate weapons to sink russia carrier, warship, tanks or jet.
Ukraine army go all the way to attack now.

逃呀! 烏精準打擊補給車隊 俄軍從哈爾科夫退回邊境!【台灣最前線 重點摘要】2022.05.09(2)

烏強勢反攻! 俄軍損加劇… 5/9勝利日成普丁最難堪印記?【台灣最前線 重點摘要】2022.05.09(1)


whole world & putin also know russia lost till pantless now in Ukraine war, yet these dogs keep creating fake to con or brainwash morons here, till truth & fact annouced globally, all these dogs will disappear or continue to bark their lies here forever as no one can stop them from posting what lies they want also brainless try to con themselves for life.
mariupol parade? people with brain already know this small town totally destroy & bomb by russia, still has nice place for parade, why putin not here? putin in moscow is ok with blanket during parade? hahaaa.
even russia govt official also admit going to defeat yet comie liars here bark victory, all these total comie liars here, LOL LOL.

「普京知道:輸了!」Shitao TV - No.01(10/05/22)勝利紀念日隻字不提“烏克蘭”

俄官方媒体开始承认:俄军在乌东战场陷入困境! 谭德赛突然 打脸习近平!


all the BS lies by this thread starter in almost 100% of all his posts & threads.
yet ton of brainless here believe all these shit, real morons.
thatb is why he can lie non stop here 7/24.

5.11【#軍事熱點】 沒有制空權的俄羅斯黑海艦隊,前景黯淡



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