
russia lost in war, putin suspicious lot of spy surrounding him, many of these will be slaughtered, very nice.
putin capture 150 spy agency around him, generally the whole center govt system will shake, no more trust among each other, when next defeat comes who will be killed, all these evil, slaughter among themselves is the best.
like that how to fight in war, real low morale, LOL LOL.


[+] 1 user Likes kokee's post

even russia carrier also kena bomb till sink, swee!!!



all these comie dogs here lie 7-24, everyday ukraine surrender, may be 1 or 2 army, but Ukraine as a country still strong & powerful to chase almost all invaded russia army out of Ukraine. after almost 50 days of war, russia still cant control 1 inch of ukraine land, instead ton of russia army surrender their weapons & person, >20000 russia army, generals & chief commanders died.
all these comie liars here & all their fake news communist cources of lies, spam non stop here to con or brainwash same skin color moron here, LOL LOL

4.13 「普京俄軍急了!」俄軍向馬里烏波爾投下化武,英美反應強烈,或加強進攻型武器助烏軍全殲敵人!

俄彈盡援絕…急從伊朗黑市進貨!? 買伊朗巴西「次等貨」船運送回俄國


Kokee very scare now.🤣🤣🤣

(14-04-2022, 11:33 AM)Notdumb Wrote:  Kokee very scare now.🤣🤣🤣

Kokee's saliva has helped Ukraine defeat Russia!  Rotfl
[+] 1 user Likes cityhantam's post

(14-04-2022, 11:38 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  Kokee's saliva has helped Ukraine defeat Russia!  Rotfl

Moronic kokee very jealous and stupid hor scare  Laughing Rotfl

but he's good imagination

(14-04-2022, 11:26 AM)kokee Wrote:  even russia carrier also kena bomb till sink, swee!!!


russia carrier sink, naval almost gone yet comie dogs here bark ukraine army lost & surrender, totally shameless lies, norm, these dogs posts almost 100% lies in all their posts & thread title to con or brainwash brainless here 7-24 using their communist source of lies & BS videos & news.

「俄國黑海艦隊旗艦“莫斯科”號導彈驅逐艦:起火爆炸沈沒」Shitao TV - No.09(13/04/22)拜登再捐給澤倫斯基$8億美元


14000 tanks and 1000 tanks?
Who will win in the war? Rotfl

Someone says 1000tanks will win the war.
You believe?

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

all these moronic comie dog bark of 14k tanks vs 1k tanks> since day 1 till now almost 50 days, woith these 14k tanks can russia occupy & control 1 inch of Ukraine land> yet lost till pantless, see how sweden, germany & US missile crash all russia tanks, tanks run road like crazy dogs.
US ship advanced weapons to Ukraine to fight in mariupol & donbass, it will surprise russia army & run road like dogs, LOL LOL. US ship another US$6.2B of weapons, also all the heavy weight stuff to attack russia later.




They pengsan?



(14-04-2022, 11:26 AM)kokee Wrote:  even russia carrier also kena bomb till sink, swee!!!


russia said 1000 marine surrender, only moronic comie dogs believe their fake communist source from russia.
russia said, hahaaa, as above russia marine carrier kena sink by Ukraine missile, this is hard truth, Russia carrier sink, why ukraine marine need to surrender, LOL LOL, happens on the same day news.
comie dogs here can only bark lies to con or brainwash brainless here with their fake communist news & videos.
mariupol & donbass ongoing, after 50 days of war, russia retreat all to donbass only yet not controlling 1 inch of Ukraine land, not shameful> coming weeks once Ukraine can crash russia in donbass, then wait for all the way to moscow liao, LOL LOL.
Ukraine getting all the advanced weapons from NATO & US, drone also killed ton of russia army.





Alam Kok, everyday fake news all over the place, still very enthusiastic to continue. 

Flg evil force very powerful. 

If Ukraine every day winning, why zelensky still hiding and wear T shirt working leh? 

No answer, right? 

[+] 2 users Like webinarian's post

Ukraine go go go.. Surround Moskow and make Putin poo in his pants...

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..

>20000 russia army, generals & chief commanders killed in ukraine war was reported globally, putin & russia are furious over it, russian people & army low morale over it, fact & truth.
so russia confirm war with NATO now based on this thread, NATO & US can openly war, fire & attack russia now according to moronic commuist sources of comie dogs here, then is great.
more people & country will go against evil devils russia & china, now belarus chief military commander resign & want to fight against russia, also all the ex-eastern bloc except serbia, time to bomb serbia will come.




(14-04-2022, 08:36 PM)webinarian Wrote:  Alam Kok, everyday fake news all over the place, still very enthusiastic to continue. 

Flg evil force very powerful. 

If Ukraine every day winning, why zelensky still hiding and wear T shirt working leh? 

No answer, right? 



(14-04-2022, 11:24 AM)kokee Wrote:  russia lost in war, putin suspicious lot of spy surrounding him, many of these will be slaughtered, very nice.
putin capture 150 spy agency around him, generally the whole center govt system will shake, no more trust among each other, when next defeat comes who will be killed, all these evil, slaughter among themselves is the best.
like that how to fight in war, real low morale, LOL LOL.


You mean many Russian soldiers tell those Ukrainians what Putin will be doing next meh?

sure, mariupol still hold on with ukraine although the whole donbass area almost 90% of people are russian speaking.
comie dogs here lies 50x here said mariupol already surrender, lost to russia or ukraine kill ukraine here or all kind of BS & lies non stop 7-24 here.
after 50 days of war, russia cant even occupy mariupol, a small town so closed to russia border from Ukraine, russia is 10000x bigger than mariupol yet cant do it, what rubbish shit russia military is, why morons here still can brainwash by dogs here, not real morons is what just because of skin color>




Alam Kok

Don't bs rubbish.

(14-04-2022, 08:36 PM)webinarian Wrote:  Alam Kok, everyday fake news all over the place, still very enthusiastic to continue. 

Flg evil force very powerful. 

If Ukraine every day winning, why zelensky still hiding and wear T shirt working leh? 

No answer, right? 


Know nuts phd moronic kokee 

[Image: A553111-A-17-D4-40-AB-8-FDF-31-B7-D3-F7-B2-A6.gif]
 Even your auntie laughs at you hor

all these know nut comie dogs liars here.
russia carrier MOSCOW sink, china lp & balls also drop to floor as no way for china to attack taiwan now.
china carrier is so much worse than this junk carrier, cant even protect itself over missile, so simple to for US to sink all china ships & carrier now using their advanced weapons.
rubbish moscow carrier is very significant to taiwan, attack taiwan is the end of ccp & china, xi guarantee no balls to do it, wait for another insane morons like putin to onboard for china.

黑海艦隊旗艦冚旗 習近平武統台灣夢碎


(16-04-2022, 12:01 PM)kokee Wrote:  all these know nut comie dogs liars here.
russia carrier MOSCOW sink, china lp & balls also drop to floor as no way for china to attack taiwan now.
china carrier is so much worse than this junk carrier, cant even protect itself over missile, so simple to for US to sink all china ships & carrier now using their advanced weapons.
rubbish moscow carrier is very significant to taiwan, attack taiwan is the end of ccp & china, xi guarantee no balls to do it, wait for another insane morons like putin to onboard for china.

黑海艦隊旗艦冚旗 習近平武統台灣夢碎

Your angmo master so powderful why bor lumpars attack huh? Laughing

Ukraine army still super strong & steady in Donbass & mariupol.
putin panic, furious over carrier moscow sink, >20000 russia army, general & chief commanders died, almost 30000 russia army refuse to fight in Ukraine, more to come, LOL LOL, super scared, with US & NATO latest & advanced weapons attacking russia army & weapons.

sure, mariupol still hold on with ukraine although the whole donbass area almost 90% of people are russian speaking.
comie dogs here lies 50x here said mariupol already surrender, lost to russia or ukraine kill ukraine here or all kind of BS & lies non stop 7-24 here.
after 50 days of war, russia cant even occupy mariupol, a small town so closed to russia border from Ukraine, russia is 10000x bigger than mariupol yet cant do it, what rubbish shit russia military is, why morons here still can brainwash by dogs here, not real morons is what just because of skin color>




above & below are the big picture, comie dogs here spam little 1 army, 1 plane or helicopter & lies in their thread title like Ukraine lost, con or brainwash morons here, like that they song, these real dogs here, LOL LOL.

all these comie dogs here everyday lies here about Ukraine war, all the fake & BS, use your brain, simple, why putin so furious, everyday want to use nukes, because russia army ;lost till pantless, most important carrier kena shot till sink, lost in most war, kena chase out of ukraine, initially want whole ukraine, now to save face only donbass or mariupol, all these already enough to tell russia after 50 days of war, lost till pantless, still got brainless here believe all the BS & lies post by all these comie liars here, LOL LOL.


4.16 最新消息【普京輸懵左?】俄羅斯警告西方,再向烏克蘭提供武器將有「難以預測後果」,紙老虎發火了!!


(17-04-2022, 01:39 PM)kokee Wrote:  烏克蘭🇺🇦軍隊殲滅兩萬俄羅斯🇷🇺士兵🪖,擊毀坦克756輛,裝甲運兵車1976輛,捷報頻傳!!!!!!!!

Alam Kok,  

Everyday 7/24 hrs also Ukraine winning. Why still fight inside Ukraine?   

You should be reporting war in Russia and surround Moscow now.   

Why still talk about fighting in Ukraine and why still hiding in the tunnel in the steel factory?  

Don't keep posting fake news.  

Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl   Laughing Laughing Laughing   

[+] 1 user Likes webinarian's post

Laughing lying to ownself is the most stupid. 
Ukraine most politicians has foreign passport. They lose an economy, they lose people support as their nazis looting all over. They lose mercenary support not help them.  can fight ones don't want to fight any more. those think can come to kill but ending  trap , needing others to help.

with US & UK heavy weapons, Ukraine army attacking russia army in donbass, killed ton , well done.
protecting their own country, fight till the last soldier, unlike low morale junk russia army.
with more advanced weapons from the west, attack anytime.
like sink russia carrier moscow, special weapons & war information will be used anytime to slaughter all russia army at once any moments.



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