
all these moronic comie fake news created by communist sources of BS & lies.
everyday surrender, win my shit, war still ongoing, russia stop attacking, panic although russia army is 10x more than ukraine but russia has no way to occupy or control 1 inch land in mariupol, all these comie liars BS.
russia accidentally exposed their death rate in Ukraine war, scary high, still has few thousands or higher missing, ton of POW & surrendered plus injury in huge numbers, russia & putin panic, also ton of russia man refuse to join army in war now.
also rubbish chechen & those hired army, death tolls also super high, now russia no money, no one will sacrify their life for junk russia army & weapons.

俄媒意外曝光(俄罗斯国防部闭门会议披露的)俄军战损! 俄雇佣军战损同样惊人!





(23-04-2022, 10:40 AM)kokee Wrote:  russia has 10x more army in mariupol but cant fight, Ukraine army still protect & stay on in mariupol.
most russia youth & man refuse to fight for russisa now, I said many times, only morons sacrify their life for a nazi invader dictator.


4.22 突發 【拒絕做炮灰!】俄羅斯青年拒絕為普京賣命,用汽油彈進攻,殲滅了五個募兵處,俄羅斯人民覺醒了

all these dogs & russia bark victory & surrender 7/24 here, eventually is russia retreat, run road.
russia army size in mariupol almost 10x of Ukraine yet cannot win, WTF, totally junk army & weapons.
comie dogs here can only lies like this thread title, lost your shit, bark for months yet russia cant even occupy & control 1 inch of Ukraine land.
yet russia military & economy almost collapse now, rubbish weapons & lack of army to sustain now, LOL LOL.
ton of russia weapons warehouse & chemical factory in russia in huge fire last 2 days, panic.

「不死鳥馬利波」徹底逆轉戰局!? 烏克蘭版「史達林格勒」噎死普丁喉嚨!



(23-04-2022, 12:57 PM)kokee Wrote:  all these moronic comie fake news created by communist sources of BS & lies.
everyday surrender, win my shit, war still ongoing, russia stop attacking, panic although russia army is 10x more than ukraine but russia has no way to occupy or control 1 inch land in mariupol, all these comie liars BS.
russia accidentally exposed their death rate in Ukraine war, scary high, still has few thousands or higher missing, ton of POW & surrendered plus injury in huge numbers, russia & putin panic, also ton of russia man refuse to join army in war now.
also rubbish chechen & those hired army, death tolls also super high, now russia no money, no one will sacrify their life for junk russia army & weapons.

俄媒意外曝光(俄罗斯国防部闭门会议披露的)俄军战损! 俄雇佣军战损同样惊人!


Wow USA going to send MOAB spare parts to Ukraine. Kokee going to fix them up. Laughing

russia army death toll & putin health condition is terribly bad.
ton of russia army still missing.


俄烏戰局僵持不下 普丁會面紹伊古氣到"桌角抓緊緊" 俄軍吃不下亞速鋼鐵廠 進去一個死一個



all these bloody comunist source of lies still got morons believe? then is real moron.
almost 60 days of war, russia cant even occupy & control 1 inch of ukraine land, yet died>20000 generals, chief commander & army, tons of weapons totally destroy, you think russia junk army still can achieve anything? my foot.
Now Ukraine not only want to recover all their town & going to take over crimea from russia, who win? LOL LOL.
russia lost in this war is totally unimaginable, all these moronic comie dogs.

4.23 最新戰報【光復克里米亞!】烏軍計劃炸毀34億美元建造的克里米亞大橋,切斷俄軍軍事物資補給,一舉光復失土!



【全球現場日報】俄攻哈爾科夫軍火庫 數千噸彈藥落俄軍手中|俄軍方首認"莫斯科號"傷亡 僅1死27失蹤@全球大視野 20220423

[quote="kokee" pid='235299' dateline='1650705410']
not only elon musk starlink, google map is good enough to show all the detailed of russian army location, where is all russia weapons warehouse, where russia keep their nukes, all the detailed within 50 cm of accuracy.
with all these information, Ukraine can know all the movement of russia army & weapons before fight starts, place all weapons nicely to destroy all junk russian army & weapons.


看得到打得到!解析度達50公分 Google地圖俄軍基地、航母行蹤全都露!


ton of russia hired army died in this war, whether is chechen or syria or more, all these deserve to die for $$, real morons.

暗殺失敗 俄傭兵團驚傳3000人遭殲滅!


俄军严密封锁亚速钢铁厂 美再加速升级对乌军援 20220421 |《今日关注》CCTV中文国际


US confirmed china support russia in Ukraine war, this is important note for future sanction or attack china after russia.
jet deliver to ukraine to be able to start to attack russia land soon, war is going to move to  russia land or crimea once all weapons ready.
Ukraine still fighting strong.

108架F-22 F-35 布局 殲20瑟瑟發抖;鬆口了!「硫磺石」「凱撒大炮」群英會;烏國砲兵精準射擊,澤倫斯基「軍事手段」反攻;共軍升級防禦系統,白宮確認北京援俄;

【赫尔松前线捷报】50个俄高级军官开会,被乌军一锅端! 二个老糊涂,就能造成全世界动荡!


few more russia generals & chief commanders died in recent days, probably>25-30 died to date, probably around 30-50% of high rank military in russia army today, how about those kena sacked by putin & many run away due to whatever reasons, how many left? still can fight?
Ukraine army start to prepare to attack russia army in mariupol, if can success likely will move towards crimea liao & take some lands from russia instead.


美国国务卿、国防部长明天双双访问乌克兰! 俄二位将军在赫尔松被一齐干掉! 在河南坠毁的战斗机,有俄罗斯飞行员!


as above, Ukraine killed so many russia general, chief commander & army, well done, they are fighting in front line for the world, whole world is supporting them, no need to beg instead russia economy almost bankrupt now, need to beg for money & junk weapons.
US, UK & NATO will unlimited supply money & weapons to ukraine.
all the frozen of russia amounted to around US$500B, all put aside for Ukraine to rebuild after war. Later when NATO & US bomb russia till flat, then russia has to beg the world for money to rebuild, F this evil to be beggers, let them died.

4.24 最新消息【摧毀49集團軍?】烏軍取得佳績,搗破49集團軍軍事會議,50軍官包括兩名將軍被殲!



russia troops who did the killing in bucha masscre, team 64, kena destroyed & slaughtered, well done Ukraine, all these evil must be killed totally, cannot let these inhuman live on this earth.
all russia army must be killed without mercy.

4.24 【俄第64摩托步兵旅遭重擊!】牽涉布查案件! 烏軍重擊第64步兵旅成功報復

乌军夺回赫尔松附近6个城镇! 布查惨案的始作俑者 64机步旅遭到沉重打击!


Victory Flag raised in Kherson liao hor!  Clapping

[Image: NPCe2upeFwQdhCIgbhvUPIEkJtovnUXGpbB7JRoZ...350341b955]

[Image: FQ_bBJkXoAArNpB?format=jpg&name=large]


Ukraine still fighting strong in mariupol now they start to bomb russia weapons warehouse inside russia land & destroy a few to date.

Ukraine also plan to bomb bridge in crimea to cut off russia supply, let see will Ukraine takeover crimea from russia.

乌军猛烈炮击俄罗斯境内的军事目标! 马克龙击败勒庞,再干五年法国总统! 张维为被抽醒了:一夜清空微博上所有“爱国言论”!



(25-04-2022, 11:25 AM)kokee Wrote:  Ukraine still fighting strong in mariupol now they start to bomb russia weapons warehouse inside russia land & destroy a few to date.

Ukraine also plan to bomb bridge in crimea to cut off russia supply, let see will Ukraine takeover crimea from russia.

乌军猛烈炮击俄罗斯境内的军事目标! 马克龙击败勒庞,再干五年法国总统! 张维为被抽醒了:一夜清空微博上所有“爱国言论”!


How long more can Ukraine tahan leh? I'm wondering...

(25-04-2022, 11:27 AM)cheekopekman Wrote:  How long more can Ukraine tahan leh? I'm wondering...

Ukraine got very strong support from Kokee, the GREAT!

Winning soon!  Rotfl

Kokee says Russia lost the war and now wants to bom themselves so that Russia pay for the damages.🤣🤣🤣

the question to ask is how ling can russia tahan instead, after 60 days cant even control 1 inch of Ukraine, when they exhausted, Ukraine, US & NATO turn to bomb russia till flat.

Ukraine still fighting strong in mariupol now they start to bomb russia weapons warehouse inside russia land & destroy a few to date.

Ukraine also plan to bomb bridge in crimea to cut off russia supply, let see will Ukraine takeover crimea from russia.

乌军猛烈炮击俄罗斯境内的军事目标! 马克龙击败勒庞,再干五年法国总统! 张维为被抽醒了:一夜清空微博上所有“爱国言论”!



普欽獵捕美英加軍援傭兵團 拜登派國務卿防長進烏克蘭 新聞大白話 20220424



with the help from global country supplying all the advanced weapons to attack russia army.

各国大炮云集乌克兰,俄军坐等被灭! 莫斯科市政府失火,浓烟滚滚!



俄軍確認有“大魚”!俄聯邦國家安全局抵達亞速鋼鐵廠甄別“美國大魚” 烏軍第35旅排長化妝老百姓逃離鋼鐵廠被捕 俄軍擊斃亞速營副指揮官


Kokee, watch video of REAL WAR :





blinken & US defense minister in Ukraine now, all the advanced weapons from US ready to provide to Ukraine to bomb & attack russia.
also US$300B ready for Ukraine to rebuild their country from the world & more on the way.
Russia, totally get nothing.





more than 22000 russia army, general & chieff commanders died in ukraine war now, moree to come.
Ukraine start to attack russia oil field & weapons warehouse but they did not bomb russia civillians like Russia, deal with russia such hooligan must be more hooligan than them, Ukraine must start to bomb russia building & people.

俄罗斯国内军事基地、炼油厂 遭乌军弹道导弹打击!



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