俄媒故意放出栗战书讲话 俄爹把中國绑上战车 一起玩完 普丁打敗仗見習近平死抱不放

whole world know russia lost till pantless in Ukraine war!
now azerbaijan & georgia also ready to attack russia anytime now!
russia short of army cant fight anymore, ow can only rely on china & NK to supply weapons & army!
winnie inside china kena pressure till run road oversea, these 2 moronic losers can only hold each other tied tied to support their evil & greed!
great!! china already exposed itself full support of russia in Ukraine war since day 1!!
sanction china is just a matter of time now!
after russia is china! these 2 evil devil has no way to run now!!



https://media.tenor.com/k3CNoURuwsIAAAAM/putin-clap.gif https://media.tenor.com/y13XEZAGKf8AAAAM...-putin.gif https://media.tenor.com/66tEFpfMPrgAAAAM...-putin.gif

Shameless bankrupt slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL

(15-09-2022, 06:25 PM)kokee Wrote:  whole world know russia lost till pantless in Ukraine war!
now azerbaijan & georgia also ready to attack russia anytime now!
russia short of army cant fight anymore, ow can only rely on china & NK to supply weapons & army!
winnie inside china kena pressure till run road oversea, these 2 moronic losers can only hold each other tied tied to support their evil & greed!
great!! china already exposed itself full support of russia in Ukraine war since day 1!!
sanction china is just a matter of time now!
after russia is china! these 2 evil devil has no way to run now!!


我的朋友, 九龙会长要跟你会面。

china tie so closely with russia now, winnie like to see? LOL LOL!
scared now! confirm to be enemy of the world?
any choice?
put it clear & loud will be super nice!
crash it!!

9.15【 中共害怕了! 】疑被俄羅斯擺上枱,中共淆底急用官媒和俄羅斯割蓆!


https://media.tenor.com/DKk4Fbz8AoYAAAAM...inping.gif https://media.tenor.com/66tEFpfMPrgAAAAM...-putin.gif https://media.tenor.com/_SN9msfoRAMAAAAM...-putin.gif

Shameless bankrupt slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL

普丁打敗仗見習近平死抱不放 ...so gay!!

Laughter-13  Laughter-13


china admit their full support to russia in Ukraine war since the very beginning in weapons, drone, electronics, satellites, IC daily necessity & so on!
all these violate global sanction russia, so china kena global sanction like russia is just a matter of time!
now china & russia tie tightly & closely together in global arena!
now the world against china & russia are basically form!!




winnie xi will never give up his wet dream to conquer the world with communism!
so winnie will never give up russia, china & russia will tie & die together! this world dont be naive!!
dont be regret, just do it fearlessly together globally!

習近平貼臉普京 自願當世界公敵


https://media.tenor.com/DKk4Fbz8AoYAAAAM...inping.gif https://media.tenor.com/66tEFpfMPrgAAAAM...-putin.gif https://media.tenor.com/9Jpj6U1Bq9YAAAAM...ically.gif

Shameless bankrupt slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL

(15-09-2022, 01:22 PM)kokee Wrote:  russia economy collapsing is so obvious, moronic comie dogs here can continue to bark lies from their communist sources of BS & fake!
sanction, frozen, SWIFT till now, sink to bottom!
oil & gas price kena cap & cut off, income gone, china & india can buy, but how much? against the west & the world? the west is going to sanction china anytime soon!
china will face the same sanction, frozen & SWIFT by the west & the world eventually!
HKD unpeg & cut off financial system totally!

China may soon face sanctions from the West


as above, china sanction by global like russia just a matter of time in near  future due to china admit fully support russia in Ukraine war all the time!!
very nice!!
at least china & russia confirm to be enemy of the peaceful world today!!

栗戰書訪俄會談遭曝光 普丁疑讓中國成公敵



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Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one

Moronic kokee your daddy laughs at you cheo kau peng hor

china openly support russia invading Ukraine, against the world sanction russia, time for the world to sanction china after russia!




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