入境新加坡不打針免隔離、冇口罩 china still lockdown quarantine song song today

why spore & china covid situation & condition is so far behind!
their junk vaccine?
their 0 policy?
how many $trillion they have totally spend to deal with covid in china! how much economy lost, how many people life taken, how many tragedy, suffer, inhuman, fight, manhour lost, effectiveness & efficiency, family broken, plus test under 45 deg, queue for hours everyday, poke few times is norm!
all these fun & insane!
eventually when you kena, 99.99% no medicine, rest for 7-10 days, cure! for those died? before 2019, every yr, ton died because of flu too every yr too globally, whether in US, china or spore! Live with virus!
7-10 days in "jail" or self-control?
this is china by force, humanity, dictator decision cannot challenge, no freedom & choice, slavery fear yet they must bark how great s this 0 policy if not, evaporate! From Li wenliang died till now, getting worse!
all the moronic comie dogs here & their brainless supporters fully support winnie xi 0 policy!!


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Moronic kokee your daddy laughs at you cheo kau peng hor

(25-08-2022, 07:13 PM)kokee Wrote:  china, this sibei moronic country! spend $trillion after $trillion to fight for 0 cases!
yesterday 1 minor case in shenzhen district, 100k trace together turn yellow, all kena test or even quarantine, sibei song!
such case is norm across china, 10 of millions kena test & quarantine is nothing, today almost half of china in lock down situation from xinjiang to tibet to sichuan to gansu to qinghai to zhejiang to to guandong to guangxi &  ton more, LOL LOL!


as above till today! 1 positive, 100k or even 1 million or more people trace together turn orange or red!
this positive may be wrong testing!
all these 1 millions people must stay put, quarantine as they cant go anywhere if police & astronaut check, they will be jailed in serious offence! But they are negative, just closed contact!
those positive definitely send to govt quarantine center like jail, lock & cannot in contact & see the world for at least weeks to months! all slavery must oblige! test everyday & result not informed! no medicine!
this is difference between a human & ccp country. We trust people, let them stay at home themselves. But china dont trust their people, must lock up to ensure they will not run around!
treatment is totally difference, same to all aspect of life in china & outside world!

as above, whole country asset, people belong to ccp.
ccp or dictator do anything they like, no need to get consensus from anyone, same to lock down.
anyway, ccp never treat their people as human.



(26-08-2022, 09:21 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  [Image: C5-D22-D5-A-464-E-4-D42-881-F-0-E773-DE3320-A.jpg]

[Image: 1-F85-B5-EF-4-CD2-4595-BD03-2-A4-CE938-FF18.jpg]

[Image: 31-F99-FE2-635-D-4-A2-C-9-F07-97029427-EAEF.gif]

what is the right resolution for my monitor

Moronic kokee your daddy laughs at you cheo kau peng hor

Chinese lives matter. Big Grin

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

[Image: 47-D88-BD3-31-B4-4-B7-B-A54-C-52-A97-F9-CBB88.jpg]

[Image: 0-E6-BA68-B-FADB-4-D6-C-B679-A1-B5-BF37-F9-FD.jpg]

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

China should be given platinum award by WHO for Covid control. Big Grin

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

(25-08-2022, 10:54 AM)kokee Wrote:  chongqing is the worst hit city in hot & dry weather today!
40+ deg weather still need to test covid everyday in long queue & wait!
exploded & imploded now, now they shout & F winnie xi song song now, cannot tahan anymore!
no electricity, lost jobs, jungle fire, no money, sibei tulan liao!
same to beijing, how far away from china revolution?



all these moronic comie dogs, totally brainless liars!
whole world no one trust china anymore, anything, data, news, almost 100% BS totally! only these dogs here keep licking using lies to con or brainwash brainless here!
US population growth is positive for last 2 yrs, china growth is negative & death rate in china is abnormally high compared to earlier yrs!
how many get depression, insane over this covid in china, tons!
how long more china people will push for a civil war & revolution when their anger & give up their life to fight the tyrant over their fear today! not too long!
this 0 policy will go on for another few yrs to full control & brainwash china slavery!

dictatorship, once lost, then gone forever, this is to say once ccp abandoned by china people, ccp will no longer exist in this world anymore.
unlike democratic country & party, lose this election then fight in next election, democratic govt is working for the people, then your life has value, you live a life you wanted like you choose the govt working for you.
dictator is opposite, your life belong to the dictator, because all the gun is with dictator is to use to deal with the people lawlessly.
slavery whole life is just to fulfill dictator dream, not their own dream.



(26-08-2022, 09:21 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  [Image: C5-D22-D5-A-464-E-4-D42-881-F-0-E773-DE3320-A.jpg]

[Image: 1-F85-B5-EF-4-CD2-4595-BD03-2-A4-CE938-FF18.jpg]

[Image: 31-F99-FE2-635-D-4-A2-C-9-F07-97029427-EAEF.gif]

what is the right resolution for my monitor

Moronic kokee your daddy laughs at you cheo kau peng hor

(25-08-2022, 05:35 AM)kokee Wrote:  as above, all these moronic jokers!
spend so much time & money for rubbish!
nothing better to do than try to blame & finger point at others 7/24!
try to find fault on others day & night, same to all the comie dogs here & their brainless supporters!


who pocketed most of these covid test & vaccine money? whole world know who!
continue to spend $trillion & lost few 10 of $trillion in economy!!
china slavery price is worthless, no one F care in china! they are just number or statistic to ccp! just write it off if necessary!



(26-08-2022, 09:21 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  [Image: C5-D22-D5-A-464-E-4-D42-881-F-0-E773-DE3320-A.jpg]

[Image: 1-F85-B5-EF-4-CD2-4595-BD03-2-A4-CE938-FF18.jpg]

[Image: 31-F99-FE2-635-D-4-A2-C-9-F07-97029427-EAEF.gif]

what is the right resolution for my monitor

Moronic kokee your daddy laughs at you cheo kau peng hor

(26-08-2022, 02:03 PM)kokee Wrote:  many died in sichuan due to hot & dry weather but news censored, norm in ccp china!
drought & fire in sichuan is terrible! ton run road & hike in cave now! LOL LOL!
casket full house, full house!!!!
sichuan earthquake sign of coming back again?

傳四川重慶多人中暑喪生 有殯儀館爆滿

Why does Yangtze dry up? The Power Crisis continues & Extremely high temperatures grip half of China

china slavery life is so cheap!
but why air ticket to china is so expensive?
most air-ticket price from spore already gone back to before covid except china now! need to quarantine & lot of torture, also many may not even reach where they want to go to due to all the moronic rules!



(26-08-2022, 09:21 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  [Image: C5-D22-D5-A-464-E-4-D42-881-F-0-E773-DE3320-A.jpg]

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[Image: 31-F99-FE2-635-D-4-A2-C-9-F07-97029427-EAEF.gif]

what is the right resolution for my monitor

Moronic kokee your daddy laughs at you cheo kau peng hor

Moronic kokee cock LL hor

alamak 你摆烂就好,也要别人躺平咩?

(26-08-2022, 09:21 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  [Image: C5-D22-D5-A-464-E-4-D42-881-F-0-E773-DE3320-A.jpg]

[Image: 1-F85-B5-EF-4-CD2-4595-BD03-2-A4-CE938-FF18.jpg]

[Image: 31-F99-FE2-635-D-4-A2-C-9-F07-97029427-EAEF.gif]

what is the right resolution for my monitor

Moronic kokee your daddy laughs at you cheo kau peng hor

Kokee the scumbags 

https://media.tenor.com/voz99d0-8RMAAAAM...ck-dog.gif https://media.tenor.com/oprn7XMW0voAAAAM/omg-wow.gif 
Kokee go take medication

ccp torture their people till shiok shiok!
queue up for few hours for testing everyday under 45 deg C weather or under stormy rain weather, sibei song! all these insane!
99.9% of covid case, just rest at home for 5-10 days without medicine can cure!
live with virus is scientific & so simple yet ccp must tested >10 millions people to get 2 case & whole city & town lock down & quarantine millions of people for months after months for nothing! LOL LOL!


強制千萬人高溫下做核酸 重慶僅驗出兩例陽性

熱死也要清零? 重慶爆反篩潮


(27-08-2022, 10:52 AM)kokee Wrote:  ccp torture their people till shiok shiok!
queue up for few hours for testing everyday under 45 deg C weather or under stormy rain weather, sibei song! all these insane!
99.9% of covid case, just rest at home for 5-10 days without medicine can cure!
live with virus is scientific & so simple yet ccp must tested >10 millions people to get 2 case & whole city & town lock down & quarantine millions of people for months after months for nothing! LOL LOL!


強制千萬人高溫下做核酸 重慶僅驗出兩例陽性

熱死也要清零? 重慶爆反篩潮

U kpkb becos can't get into China huh? Rotfl

(26-08-2022, 09:21 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  [Image: C5-D22-D5-A-464-E-4-D42-881-F-0-E773-DE3320-A.jpg]

[Image: 1-F85-B5-EF-4-CD2-4595-BD03-2-A4-CE938-FF18.jpg]

[Image: 31-F99-FE2-635-D-4-A2-C-9-F07-97029427-EAEF.gif]

what is the right resolution for my monitor

Moronic kokee your daddy laughs at you cheo kau peng hor

https://media.tenor.com/C5-TQBIY714AAAAM...tamins.gif https://media.tenor.com/LcFYG_b5UEwAAAAM...ne-dog.gif https://media.tenor.com/LcFYG_b5UEwAAAAM...ne-dog.gif 

Kokee go take medication

look at this moron how it treat it people like slavery!
covid test only, we live with it, china fight like war & criminals! even malaysia handle 10000x better than china with scientific & humanity!
a simple disease & can cure by itself 99.9%, it use it to torture their people & economy!



(26-08-2022, 09:21 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  [Image: C5-D22-D5-A-464-E-4-D42-881-F-0-E773-DE3320-A.jpg]

[Image: 1-F85-B5-EF-4-CD2-4595-BD03-2-A4-CE938-FF18.jpg]

[Image: 31-F99-FE2-635-D-4-A2-C-9-F07-97029427-EAEF.gif]

what is the right resolution for my monitor

Moronic kokee your daddy laughs at you cheo kau peng hor

https://media.tenor.com/C5-TQBIY714AAAAM...tamins.gif https://media.tenor.com/LcFYG_b5UEwAAAAM...ne-dog.gif 

Kokee go take medication

china covid lock down is super serious now across whole china!
whole world back to normal today like spore, yet china getting more serious each day now!
the more the better, nice!




(26-08-2022, 09:05 AM)kokee Wrote:  why spore & china covid situation & condition is so far behind!
their junk vaccine?
their 0 policy?
how many $trillion they have totally spend to deal with covid in china! how much economy lost, how many people life taken, how many tragedy, suffer, inhuman, fight, manhour lost, effectiveness & efficiency, family broken, plus test under 45 deg, queue for hours everyday, poke few times is norm!
all these fun & insane!
eventually when you kena, 99.99% no medicine, rest for 7-10 days, cure! for those died? before 2019, every yr, ton died because of flu too every yr too globally, whether in US, china or spore! Live with virus!
7-10 days in "jail" or self-control?
this is china by force, humanity, dictator decision cannot challenge, no freedom & choice, slavery fear yet they must bark how great s this 0 policy if not, evaporate! From Li wenliang died till now, getting worse!
all the moronic comie dogs here & their brainless supporters fully support winnie xi 0 policy!!


Singapore is the BEST lah! Now no need mask liao lah!

now almost whole china lock down or block except 1 or 2 provinces no lock down! sibei jialat!
most city & town not allow to enter or exit, poke & poke everyone everyday till 0 case, swee! song!
getting more insane & slavery still obliged like dogs, mostly no complaint! LOL LOL!




Blame it on China fake Vaccines .. So many Stupid CCP fools here still trust Sinopharm and Sinovax Rotfl

Laughter-13  Laughter-13


(26-08-2022, 09:21 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  [Image: C5-D22-D5-A-464-E-4-D42-881-F-0-E773-DE3320-A.jpg]

[Image: 1-F85-B5-EF-4-CD2-4595-BD03-2-A4-CE938-FF18.jpg]

[Image: 31-F99-FE2-635-D-4-A2-C-9-F07-97029427-EAEF.gif]

what is the right resolution for my monitor

Moronic kokee your daddy laughs at you cheo kau peng hor

https://media.tenor.com/CrvGdHtNeqMAAAAM...er-flr.gif https://media.tenor.com/GmmLLPUs70UAAAAM...aitano.gif https://media.tenor.com/mWXg3GzhYzMAAAAM...n-hart.gif 

Kokee and stooge’s go eats bananas (in Cantonese)

now almost whole china kena except ningxia province is 0 case! LOL LOL!



(26-08-2022, 09:21 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  [Image: C5-D22-D5-A-464-E-4-D42-881-F-0-E773-DE3320-A.jpg]

[Image: 1-F85-B5-EF-4-CD2-4595-BD03-2-A4-CE938-FF18.jpg]

[Image: 31-F99-FE2-635-D-4-A2-C-9-F07-97029427-EAEF.gif]

what is the right resolution for my monitor

Moronic kokee your daddy laughs at you cheo kau peng hor
https://media.tenor.com/GmmLLPUs70UAAAAM...aitano.gif https://media.tenor.com/f5iFFXMKMhMAAAAM...banana.gif https://media.tenor.com/3KPr6V2O-xIAAAAM...-smile.gif 

Kokee and stooge’s go take your banana

(31-08-2022, 10:46 AM)kokee Wrote:  chongqing people cannot tahan anymore & fight with china govt now!
anger to extreme, use their life to fight now!
let see can spread to whole country eventually!



all these moronic clowns in china govt! also all their brainless dogs & supporters here!
1 case in 1 district, the whole district lock down & not allow to get out of their house for days or weeks, even months!
1 case, all the trace together around that stupid fool, all kena quarantine or stay put!
all these 1 case, 99% is minor & recover in few days without taking medicine!
all the factories shut down, all economy activities stops, all lying down song song, LOL LOL!
lock down till insane & crazy, those try to be funny & dont follow instruction, go to jail!

(26-08-2022, 09:21 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  [Image: C5-D22-D5-A-464-E-4-D42-881-F-0-E773-DE3320-A.jpg]

[Image: 1-F85-B5-EF-4-CD2-4595-BD03-2-A4-CE938-FF18.jpg]

[Image: 31-F99-FE2-635-D-4-A2-C-9-F07-97029427-EAEF.gif]

what is the right resolution for my monitor

Moronic kokee your daddy laughs at you cheo kau peng hor

https://media.tenor.com/GmmLLPUs70UAAAAM...aitano.gif https://media.tenor.com/f5iFFXMKMhMAAAAM...banana.gif https://media.tenor.com/3KPr6V2O-xIAAAAM...-smile.gif 
Kokee go take your banana

almost whole china is in covid lock down now except 1 or 2 province!
plus hot & dry weather, no electricity, economy almost halted!
ton lock at home or quarantine center, very nice!
winnie xi going to fight for president again, so he must show his power now in 0 policy, whole country must lock down according to his instruction! LOLLOL!
sure, the more stringent the better!




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