六旬屋主跌倒入院 50名义工助清理垃圾屋

六旬屋主跌倒入院 50名义工助清理垃圾屋

[+] 1 user Likes WhatDoYouThink!'s post

Stupid sor hai volunteers...

Moi suspect that they are doing it against the old man will. Sad

Not that moi ish criticizing the volunteers, but some of these elderly are really crazy when it come to hoarding trashes in their home, ish touch their trash will die type. So moi suspect this old man maybe having similar hoarding disorder and the volunteers can only clean his trash when he ish hospitalized. But doubt he will be grateful if this ish really the case. Sad

There was a time when the country asked ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

But now, they'll only do it for money.

Not just rubbish but aso not a gd idea to accumulate collectables and so-called antiques. They clutter up yr house and later someones hv to declutter for you

Maybe can find Ming Dynasty antique.

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