Putin cham as Russia TV struggles to explain Moskva sinking


Speaking to LBC, British reporter John Sweeney said that the latest reports in Kyiv "is that as many as 450 Russian soldiers went down with the ship".

Such a loss would amount to the largest number of deaths of Russian servicemen in a single incident since the Second World War.

The captain of the Russian warship Moskva, Anton Kuprin, was among those killed during the attack that sank it, according to Ukraine.

Mr Sweeney explained: "Apparently what happened, the gossip is, that they distracted the Russians with a drone and they were concentrating on that.

"They worked out that the main radar on the ship only has a 180-degree view so they sent the missiles around the back and bang."

He added: "The Russian version is laughable. It's a complete humiliation for Putin but it makes you worry how nasty Putin will get as he's been humiliated on land and on sea."

Russia confirmed that the flagship Black Sea missile cruiser had sunk but claims it was because of an unexplained fire, which ignited ammunition.

The cruiser then capsized “in choppy seas” while being towed to port, according to the Kremlin.

Ukraine has said it hit the Moskva with two of its Neptune anti-shipping missiles - a claim backed up by US officials last night.

It cut both ways.. If you are Russian, will you

1) Despise Putin for losing the ship
2) Support Putin and ask for harsher 'punishment' to Ukraine for sinking the ship

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..

The Ukrainians soldiers on Snake Island told the Moskva to "go F...k yourself".

The Moskva complied. Damn siasuay Big Grin

(15-04-2022, 08:05 AM)kokee Wrote:  why the sinking russia carrier name "Moscow", it is the soul & core of the whole russia military, now gone, like russia gone in war. Putin is crazy & insane over this sinking carrier.
all these know nut comie dogs & their useless know nut communist source of liars spam BS 7-24 to con or brainwash morons here day & night.
after donbass & mariupol, Ukraine to take down crimea or moscow> LOL LOL.

俄羅斯鎮國神器「最後紅色堡壘」 黑海艦隊旗艦「莫斯科號」遭擊沉!


why cant he just tell the truth, face it like a man, this bloody chow gunia.
communist lies & BS almost 100% in all what they said.
as above, russia carrier moscow already sink, also many said there are 2 nuclear bomb in this carrier, what will happen to black seas in future when the nukes leak under this sea, all the country around this sea will be badly affected>
russia & china are the most bastard country in the world.

「驚恐!沈沒的莫斯科號 可能載有2顆核彈」


The attack was done with US reconnaissance rader information

Drones were sent to harass and distract the ship.

Then they fire 2 Poseidon missile. This is old US weapon designed in 1970s but the Russian flagship did not have any counter to this.

This means the entire Russian navy can be taken out quite handily

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.


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