屍體堆滿列車 俄軍死亡數字驚人 All cabins w Full loaded russia army death body 35000?

comie dogs can bark whatever lies using fake thread title created themselves, norm here, all these comie liars.
almost 35000 rusia army died in ukraine war, casualty between russia & ukraine is 5:1.
russia economy & military is almost bankrupt now, lack of weapons & army, using old folks to fight & super old junk weapons due to weapons used up.
how long more russia can drag on?
Ukraine just need to drag on the war, russia will be gone totally.



(25-05-2022, 05:06 AM)kokee Wrote:  comie dogs can bark whatever lies using fake thread title created themselves, norm here, all these comie liars.
almost 35000 rusia army died in ukraine war, casualty between russia & ukraine is 5:1.
russia economy & military is almost bankrupt now, lack of weapons & army, using old folks to fight & super old junk weapons due to weapons used up.
how long more russia can drag on?
Ukraine just need to drag on the war, russia will be gone totally.


ALL decomposed and very smelly sibeh chow liao lah!

russia already no youngsters to join army, now get old folks to Ukraine war, all these moronic old fools, heard bomb sound, all run road, they know how advanced are Ukraine weapons to destroy all junk russian weapons, better run than died.
almost 60% of russia army in ukraine war already game over as above, still war? steel plant? mariupol? all these comie liars use communist lies to spam 7/24 here, all these dog liars here.



Cityhantam true or not? Rotfl

comie dogs can bark whatever BS lies 7/24 here, norm, all these liars here.
death, injury, POW, surrender are norm to war, all country cannot avoid, dogs here use lied in thread title & fake from communist sources to bark lies here to con or brainwash morons here 7/24.
but the total death, the economy of the country, the overall result tell the full picture.
war is not about to bomb building, civilians or damaged of country. Dogs keep barkingon all the criminals act of russia, using criminal, not allowed weapons like phosphorus, biochem & ton more to attack civilians.

Russian soldier corpses pile up in refrigerated trains as 'Putin set to lose 30k men' in Ukraine

[+] 1 user Likes kokee's post

(24-05-2022, 05:10 AM)kokee Wrote:  all these comie dogs here can only bark from ass with nothing to support or using all the BS fake communist lies video or news to con or brainwash morons here 7/24.
already around 35000 russia army died, these old folks are smarter, know how to run road now, only morons sacrify their life foe evil dictator.
these old army definitely less evil than comie dogs here support criminal war, kill civilians & bomb residential russia army, use criminal weapons in war, violate all rule & balless to fight ukraine army, all these dogs here got karma wan.


all the young army either died or POW or injury, no more youngsters want to die for the idiotic dictator now, ton run oversea in thailand & turkey now, all never go back to sacrify their one & only life to bankrupt russia now.
old fools cannot fight, dont know how to operate & illiterates like dumb Fxxk, moronic comie dogs here canonly bark lies for all these moronic old russia fools now, LOL LOL.

(25-05-2022, 09:59 AM)pervertosan Wrote:  Cityhantam true or not? Rotfl

Cityhantam Don’t play play with moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts mistress hor

[Image: 7168876-B-165-C-49-B0-BC34-53-ECA33-AA99-B.gif]

(27-05-2022, 11:27 AM)kokee Wrote:  comie dogs here like this kind of news most, spam all these here 7/24.
Difference is this news is truth & comie dogs here lies using their own words & bark from ass.

Russian officers 'kill own wounded soldiers rather than treat them' say POWs

almost 35000 of russia army died in Ukraine to date, include those slaughtered by their own russian army?

almost 35000 russia army died to date.
almost 50% or more russia general & chief commanders died in this war, how to fight from here?

5.27 【又被K落了!】俄空軍前少將遭烏軍K落, W爆發以來陣M最高級飛行員!


(25-05-2022, 09:59 AM)pervertosan Wrote:  Cityhantam true or not? Rotfl

You should ask Kokee how much money he has made from his beloved AMTK daddies by helping them to post LIES and FAKE NEWS everyday! Rotfl

too many russia soldiers died in Ukraine war, now very few army want to go Ukraine to fight.
putin has to con these army to Ukraine war now or use old fools, so low morale , yet comie dogs here keep barking lies on russia army strength.
only morons fight for nazi dictator.



moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts feelings pain hor using long list outdated past glories of Falun Gong cults hidden propaganda agenda dangerous hor hiaz

China building spaces stationed
China infrastructure tok Kong
China in India pacific
China friends around the world hor “not unfriendly shit countries “
China in moon and mars hor
How to bankrupt China only moronic kokee singing and dancing hor

(30-05-2022, 10:24 AM)way Wrote:  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article...ensky.html

song bo?
full loaded train with death body of russia army in all cabin.


Moronic kokee king of lies and bullshit and know nuts you should say Ukraine economy is obsolete zero now like beggars begging around the world help help help hor Rotfl Rotfl

most young russia army already died in Ukraine war, shortage now, any male below 65 yrs old are called to fight in Ukraine, send all these nonsense old fools to die only.
to save face for putin & russian life is real dirt to dictator, fighting a total lost war & send their people to hell.

Russian Army Suffered Devastating Losses among Middle and Junior officers!


Moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts hor Putin man don’t fight than how Russia win the war cheo kau peng LOL LOL LOL

[Image: 2-F84-E437-A513-4051-A46-D-AC352-C280276.gif]

Talking about number of people death is not verifiable, no use.   

Is Russian driven out of Ukraine?  If not, no use saying Ukraine win.  

If talk about sanction, then, just look at Ruble exchange rate. If USD = 150 and above ruble, then US win in sanction.   

If USD = 100 Ruble   and below. US lost.   

Understand, Alam Kok? Don't keep posting fake and unverifiable news.    


(30-05-2022, 06:33 PM)webinarian Wrote:  Talking about number of people death is not verifiable, no use.   

Is Russian driven out of Ukraine?  If not, no use saying Ukraine win.  

If talk about sanction, then, just look at Ruble exchange rate. If USD = 150 and above ruble, then US win in sanction.   

If USD = 100 Ruble   and below. US lost.   

Understand, Alam Kok? Don't keep posting fake and unverifiable news.    


If Kokee sources can be believed then

then how could 700000 Ukr army be retreating.
Ukraine has 700,000 soldiers fighting the Russian army - Zelensky
21 May 2022 ... As of May 21, the Ukrainian military has 700000 servicemembers on active duty to combat the Russian invasion, said President Volodymyr ...

Rus lose that many and yet to activate reservists

https://news.yahoo.com › russian-military-amasses-reserves-border-121200157.html
Russian military amasses reserves at border with Kharkiv Oblast. Fri, May 27, 2022, 8:12 AM · 1 min read. Russian soldiers. According to Ukrainian intelligence, Russians are preparing their army reserves near the cities of Voronezh and Belgorod in Russia. These troops may be deployed to reinforce combat zones in Ukraine's eastern Donbas region.

https://finance.yahoo.com › news › 10-000-russian-troops-ukraines-054549261.html
Some 10,000 Russian troops in Ukraine's Luhansk region - governor
Russian military amasses reserves at border with Kharkiv Oblast. The Russian armed forces have concentrated additional troops on the Ukrainian border near Kharkiv in northeastern Ukraine ...

Is Kokee telling us Rus gain grounds despite being less than one quarter to Ukr forces?

likely almost 50% of russia generals & chief commanders already died in Ukraine war.
without leader, army just run road like monkeys.



(30-05-2022, 06:33 PM)webinarian Wrote:  Talking about number of people death is not verifiable, no use.   

Is Russian driven out of Ukraine?  If not, no use saying Ukraine win.  

If talk about sanction, then, just look at Ruble exchange rate. If USD = 150 and above ruble, then US win in sanction.   

If USD = 100 Ruble   and below. US lost.   

Understand, Alam Kok? Don't keep posting fake and unverifiable news.    


[Image: 095-B30-FC-8610-4663-B4-A9-B1775-ECA89-AB.gif]

Moronic Kokee Cok, have ALL Russian troops died already?  Thinking Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl

sure now >42k of russia army died in Ukraine war!
>130k of seriously injury of russia army!

russia army death toll, injury tolls, already said many times here!
russia army all out for a last fight? end of russia!


俄军总预备队倾巢出动,急奔赫尔松! 克里姆林宫感到绝望!


Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous 
Kokee the scumbags 

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof 

https://media.tenor.com/LcFYG_b5UEwAAAAM...ne-dog.gif https://media.tenor.com/voz99d0-8RMAAAAM...ck-dog.gif 

Kokee go take medication 

National scum Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous kokee howling scare panic desperate dog losing the slave kokee out

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