徐州八子 人间炼狱

(22-02-2022, 03:29 PM)Dota Wrote:  At least the Americans who you see no up are open with their investigation on crimes, do not hide and cover up using lies trying to fool the public, every country also got crime happening everyday, but not every Country reacts like China

ok loh, so china very bad loh. americum very good loh. at least they dun cover up, so they win

(22-02-2022, 03:36 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  How come Kokee's beloved super-powerful Falun Gong Cult can't help these poor people leh?

Why? Your beloved CCP cannot protect its own people and need falun cult to step in ah? Easy lah tell Winnie Xi to step down and handover to leader of Falun cult lor, after that then you come ask this question lol

alamak, even china mission person notices aso post here.

(22-02-2022, 03:40 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  ok loh, so china very bad loh. americum very good loh. at least they dun cover up, so they win

Well not only Americans lor, any country with basic human conscience will do better than China on this type of cases, this is only basic humanity which is pathetic that a big country like China doesn’t even have

(22-02-2022, 03:48 PM)Dota Wrote:  Well not only Americans lor, any country with basic human conscience will do better than China on this type of cases, this is only basic humanity which is pathetic that a big country like China doesn’t even have


How many Native Americans have been killed by them?

How many Vietnamese, Afghans, Iraqis, Syrians, etc. have been killed mercilessly by Assmerica?

(22-02-2022, 03:50 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  Assmerica????

How many Native Americans have been killed by them?

How many Vietnamese, Afghans, Iraqis, Syrians, etc. have been killed mercilessly by Assmerica?

Yes, they had done that, go google it and you can find all about these history that the Americans had done, so you go try baidu Tiananmen 64 incident lor, then see what you can find, go baidu the truth about 文革 and see what you can find? Go to weibo and key in 六四天安门and see what you can find? Remember, it’s baidu 

掩耳盗铃 自欺欺人 岂是泱泱大国所为?

Your beloved CCP don’t even have the guts to face their own history yet dream of leading the world? Lol 中国梦也只能是个梦 a dream that will never come true

(22-02-2022, 01:28 PM)kokee Wrote:  another case, aplenty inside china, believe millions of cases in recent yrs.
who care, nobody care, govt? they dont know? a lawless society, a dictator can over rule anything.
ccpchina is part of the axis of evilof Russia, sameas NK, Iran. commies here are the dogs of these evil empire, spam 7/24 here using almost all communist news & video to brainwash brainless in this forum.All know who they are, once you read the thread title, with common sense will know they are licking balls, badmouth, malign, twist fact & lies to con.







8 children mother disappear? the village kena fence up? use lawless & force to cover up everything now?
internet already fully censored? no one can discussortalk about now?
no trace, no more hard truth? then a conclusion to worship & lick ccp balls as usual? norm, nothing special, move on, more to come.
same as Wuhan virus, doctor, reporters, died or lock up till cases forgotten, chinaway? ccp way? commie dogs ways? case closed?
commie dogs just lick & bark to support their master lies & BS non stop in this forum to brainwash morons here?

董集村被鐵皮圍墻封鎖 「鐵鏈女」被轉移

董集村被鐵皮圍墻封鎖 「鐵鏈女」被轉移



as above, this case closed, ban to discuss inside china in all media or evaporate?
no one will know the hard truth, human trafficking continues, slavery, no freedom & human right, lawless & dictatorship?
chain for 20 yrs, raped till song song, life is dirt?





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