新一代ERP行车器下一阶段安装工作 将涉及新车和现有摩托车

新一代ERP行车器下一阶段安装工作 将涉及新车和现有摩托车

the ergonomics of the hardware is not ready.
cash card units installed on the passenger side causes problem to passenger leg space. people pay so much for
nice car. why should it be destroyed like that. also driver will have difficulties getting the card. why is a card unit still needed when payment could be done in other way since the car, is already identified. like linked an account to the payment. and use electronic payment . if paynow so easy. why no auto deduct?

the officers are too eager to perform.

please stop it and review better positioning or elliminate before it become another problem like the
mrt payment system changed.

lta has a parking apps which works quite well. can always do the auto deduct and shows transactions in the apps.
people with no apps can always check their bank statement.

times to take back the whole jiken.

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