
this Robert Tsao got all his point right, regarding 中天 tv liar & BS, ignore this lie creator tv news & youtube used by comie dogs here totally! now 0 policy is brainless action! also 1 country 2 system is con job!

so simple thing only brainless come out with all these extreme tactics to deal with a mild Omicron flu!
almost whole china lock down, quarantine, block, test everyday, shut down all works, whole economy halted, queue like morons to take test for hrs, wait for days for result to come out, fence up their people like pig, all these morons just follow like criminals!
fight for food, water, inflation surges! whole country in a mess, ton run road, hide in cave, depression, insane, no money till bankrupt! LOL LOL!

all these are totally nonsense, we go thru omicron, we know well, nothing big deal, 99.99%, no need medicine, rest for 5-10 days, ok liao! hahaaa!


[+] 1 user Likes kokee's post

[Image: 86162-C37-1257-436-F-A069-A9-AA6-E2-DEB7-C.jpg]

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[Image: FDE44-DC7-4797-425-B-896-C-951-A406-E701-C.gif]

Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one

Moronic kokee your daddy laughs at you cheo kau peng hor

(02-09-2022, 05:39 PM)kokee Wrote:  this Robert Tsao got all his point right, regarding 中天 tv liar & BS, ignore this lie creator tv news & youtube used by comie dogs here totally! now 0 policy is brainless action! also 1 country 2 system is con job!

so simple thing only brainless come out with all these extreme tactics to deal with a mild Omicron flu!
almost whole china lock down, quarantine, block, test everyday, shut down all works, whole economy halted, queue like morons to take test for hrs, wait for days for result to come out, fence up their people like pig, all these morons just follow like criminals!
fight for food, water, inflation surges! whole country in a mess, ton run road, hide in cave, depression, insane, no money till bankrupt! LOL LOL!

all these are totally nonsense, we go thru omicron, we know well, nothing big deal, 99.99%, no need medicine, rest for 5-10 days, ok liao! hahaaa!


U want all Chinese to suck angmo coks like u ah? Rotfl

(02-09-2022, 09:26 AM)kokee Wrote:  as above, such a simple Omicron covid virus, spread fast but super mild, death rate is super low, much lower than normal flu! china fight it till almost lock down whole country now!
china lock down & quarantine are totally inhuman, fence up like in jail, sgut down all factories, no job, no income, no business, economy all halted!
all test everyday queue under hot sun or typhoon weather for few hrs, 24 hrs non stop testing, ton stuck in highway, sleep on the road for days to weeks, no place to urine or eat or shit!
all run road everywhere like insane dogs! whole country almost stop moving! 
ton more!
yet to a minor flu, all these slavery no balls to question & fight for their right, all these dogs have no choice ony follow yet still need to kneel down to thanks winnie to lock them down & get crazy & depression! LOL LOL!

成都等8个千万级人口城市封城 基层政府处于崩溃边缘 动态清零陷入绝境


omicron is so simple thing & no big deal, china easily spend $10 trillion or more to fight it!
people suffer like shit!
test 15 millions people, got 2 cases! 30-40 millions lock down at home, that 2 cases is like our 2 cases in spore, who F care!, just take care & self control, whole country still live like normal, but ccp china? LOL LOL!

of course, winnie xi intention is not so simple, all these are politicized!
If you know what happen to china in last 60s & 70s, you know why do all these moronic rubbish!
let them enjoy  it! LOL LOL!
they are in a 20 cm shallow pond but they bark like they are under a 2000m deep ocean! hahaaa!



(02-09-2022, 05:40 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  [Image: 86162-C37-1257-436-F-A069-A9-AA6-E2-DEB7-C.jpg]

[Image: 220-C5706-7-C78-40-DD-BC93-A5-EF9579-FBC0.jpg]

[Image: FDE44-DC7-4797-425-B-896-C-951-A406-E701-C.gif]

Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one

Moronic kokee your daddy laughs at you cheo kau peng hor

Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous 

https://media.tenor.com/f5iFFXMKMhMAAAAM...banana.gif https://media.tenor.com/VYXW5kr8O4IAAAAM...ounger.gif https://media.tenor.com/zwayiygD3o8AAAAM...-mafer.gif 
Kokee go take your medicine bananas

他在sgtalk 是用什么名? cao xx?

Sinkie land at one point also zero COVID policy. Why he keep quiet.

Then after being the first to get vaccine jab in sinkie land, he now turn his back on sinkie land.


(03-09-2022, 05:57 AM)kokee Wrote:  the more china lock down almost whole country now, do at least 1 bil test on their people everyday, now easily 600 mil to 1 bil of china people affected by covid lock down & quarantine, JUST because of OMICRON, a mild flu even more mild than normal flu, what are they doing? is china scientist or biotech or medical so junk?
omicron, 99.99%, no need medicine, recover in 5-10 days! what is china doing to all their people now?
I am not surprised if 1 china person tell me he tested 500-1000x of covid test & I believe ton of us in spore, not even tested once & we are living happily with the virus! what is going on here? LOL LOL! only all these comie dogs here supporting their motherland & master on all these like insane & crazy in this forum, all know who are all the comie dogs here!
china spend few $10 trillion to fight Omicron, who make all these money? LOL LOL!

1場鬧劇, 2輪封城“謠言”, 3場購物狂歡, 成都最終“原則居家”! 中國疫情再高潮, 地方官“見一個抓一個”! 人民網惊現辱包言論

深层透析类似文革的恶意清零时代! 为什么各城头目不顾民众苦难、经济衰退,执意把人民关进笼子!

as above, not insane is what? LOL LOL!

(03-09-2022, 12:18 PM)kokee Wrote:  must spread this slogan, 結束一黨專政 to all china people & slavery!
they must wake up from dictatorship!
they  must hold their life in their own hands! never be a data or number or statistic of ccp!
never live in fear, must have speech & news freedom also human right!


under dictatorship, no one can fight for them!
they have no say at all!
nothing to discuss for the better of the people, they can only obey & kneel down to whatever!
covid is just an example, the whole aspect of slavery life is the same as covid!
all these comie dogs here lick & worship such dictatorship like insane dogs here 7/24!

lock down the whole china is because of political reason, nothing to do with virus & OMICRON!
whole world know well, china medical team or professional also know omicron virus is mild & easy to cure than normal flu!
but today china people suffer & struggle like shit, test almost in billion people everyday across china! LOL LOL!
almost whole country economy activity halted!




(05-09-2022, 05:47 AM)kokee Wrote:  almost  whole china affected now, 1 by 1 city & town!
like cultural revolution in last 60s & 70s!



look at all these china slavery & morons kena tekan by ccp & winnie xi till insane liao! sibei song!
morons, deserve it, same to all comie dogs here & their brainless supporters!
no jobs, no money, no income, bankrupt, depression, sick, family broken, ton of beggars sleep on roadside or highway, poke & poke non stop, lock up like prisoners, inflation, no food, the more the better, the longer the better, winnie xi, well done!





This joker(Ah Cao) is a 民族之耻 and he still doesnt know.

Chinese govt is doing their best to protect lives.
Dont use your western standard or perspective to penalise China, it is a joke!

No country like China can accept 2 systems.
This is not called democracy. I dont know what is called democracy?

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

her NNP look yummy

(04-09-2022, 05:45 AM)kokee Wrote:  comie dogs here is pro-ccp, pro-chinese & pro-china, not extreme racist? whole forum know chaos & all the comie dogs here how they fight for china, ccp & chinese against the west & democratic 7/24 here!
comie dogs here also pro-Russia invade Ukraine, how they support russia here to attack Ukraine day & night, they used RT, a banned media in the world today to con or brainwash morons here frequently!
they support ccp china in SCS, SAF tanks in HK & all the issues between spore & china!
basically they treat themselves as china chinese, support everything ccp china are doing in the world today blindly, totally brainwashed comie dogs!
all these comie here & their brainless supporters!


as above, these are the comie dogs here & their brainless supporters!
from all their posts & threads here, these dogs are pro-ccp, pro-china, pro-chinese, pro-russia, anti-western, pro whatever china pro! pro-dictator, pro-communism, pro-no human right & freedom, pro-taiwan is part of china & attack taiwan, pro-winnie xi, pro all the action & lies of ccp china barking & all the fake video & news created by global communist sources including RT & all russia media, pro-steal technology & copy cat, pro-using force & by force! anti-japan, anti-democratic, anti-everything western!
from all their posts & threads, as above, all these comie dogs here & their brainless supporters!
all here is human with humanity, they have their freedom to do what they like within their country law!

all these comie dogs here try to con or lie 7/24!
keep barking chinese, why not 中国人 to confuse morons here! in their mind is equal but in words, they only say is chinese, not china chinese!
all these liars here stir shit, spread rumor, create trouble 7/24! they are not upright human, snaky dog!

(02-09-2022, 05:40 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  [Image: 86162-C37-1257-436-F-A069-A9-AA6-E2-DEB7-C.jpg]

[Image: 220-C5706-7-C78-40-DD-BC93-A5-EF9579-FBC0.jpg]

[Image: FDE44-DC7-4797-425-B-896-C-951-A406-E701-C.gif]

Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one

Moronic kokee your daddy laughs at you cheo kau peng hor

Bankrupt loser slavery kokee howling jealous 

https://media.tenor.com/GmmLLPUs70UAAAAM...aitano.gif https://media.tenor.com/zwayiygD3o8AAAAM...-mafer.gif https://media.tenor.com/jZHfzn9i1iwAAAAM...rvivor.gif 
Slavery kokee go take your medicine bananas

china ccp spend $26 trillion to fight rubbish Omicron? LOL LOL!
all the vaccine, test, economy lost, 10 of millions workers all over china fighting wuhan virus!




(02-09-2022, 05:40 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  [Image: 86162-C37-1257-436-F-A069-A9-AA6-E2-DEB7-C.jpg]

[Image: 220-C5706-7-C78-40-DD-BC93-A5-EF9579-FBC0.jpg]

[Image: FDE44-DC7-4797-425-B-896-C-951-A406-E701-C.gif]

Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one

Moronic kokee your daddy laughs at you cheo kau peng hor

[Image: 0-ACA9-BC1-4308-4-C82-9-DA8-A0089071-BD06.gif]

[Image: 61-C220-C8-83-BF-47-FB-B52-B-AF3-BE5-CE01-FE.gif]

[Image: 73662-FB8-3-BAC-4678-A27-D-F66-E00-DC85-D7.gif]

fun, sichuan just has earthquake of 6.8, fish tank water already spill out, whole building shaking, people run for their life but whole building ground floor was locked, people panic but cant leave the building due to covid lock down! shout also useless as govt will not unlock them because of earthquake!
luckily building did not collapse!
whole earthquake area of collapse 1 or 2 building will be nice, LOLLOL!
this is dictatorship & ccp china system! all these comie dogs here their wet dream system on themselves & their supporters here!


9.5 突發有片A【四川地震!】四川發生地震,居民逃生卻被大白阻攔,逃生出口都被封了


(02-09-2022, 05:40 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  [Image: 86162-C37-1257-436-F-A069-A9-AA6-E2-DEB7-C.jpg]

[Image: 220-C5706-7-C78-40-DD-BC93-A5-EF9579-FBC0.jpg]

[Image: FDE44-DC7-4797-425-B-896-C-951-A406-E701-C.gif]

Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one

Moronic kokee your daddy laughs at you cheo kau peng hor

https://media.tenor.com/k3lnFoS7_2QAAAAM...-laugh.gif https://media.tenor.com/mWXg3GzhYzMAAAAM...n-hart.gif https://media.tenor.com/jZHfzn9i1iwAAAAM...rvivor.gif 

Slavery kokee go take your medicine bananas

6.8 level of earthquake also dont let slavery run in covid lockdown, real insane!
wuhan people start to fight police & army due to covid lock down!
now china from north to south, harbin to hainan, east to west to most remote like tibet, yunan, guizhou, qinghai, gansu, all kena, lockdown or control!
same to full highway across china, almost all places cant decent unless quarantine!
real situation in china now is crazy!





now covid spread almost whole china now!
from harbin to hainan, shanghai to tibet!
all the remote area also kena, dont talk about those congested places!
qinghai, gansu, quizhou, yunan, xinjiang, almost everywhere, highway almost all block, quarantine to enter any city or town!
the more they control, the wider it spread, not politically? LOL LOL!




Did Ah Cao show proof he has dumped away Sg citizenship? This shows that our current team has failed badly…他是聪明人,你以为他是傻瓜吗?没有好处的事情,资本家会做吗?

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

Ah kock eat full nothing to do.

Only spam forum with fake news.


this is how ccp torture slavery in china!
more died under policy than covid! some more Omicron, death rate is super low!
aftershock on the way!
slavery, deserve it!
comie dogs here twist & lies, norm!

四川地震段子熱傳:疫情不讓出門 地震不讓在家




(02-09-2022, 05:40 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  [Image: 86162-C37-1257-436-F-A069-A9-AA6-E2-DEB7-C.jpg]

[Image: 220-C5706-7-C78-40-DD-BC93-A5-EF9579-FBC0.jpg]

[Image: FDE44-DC7-4797-425-B-896-C-951-A406-E701-C.gif]

Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one

Moronic kokee your daddy laughs at you cheo kau peng hor

[Image: E1914-DC7-C8-EE-4584-9598-4-A7-D34259741.gif]

[Image: D93-D06-F7-AAD9-4-FBD-9-F00-344-F08-E72638.gif]

[Image: E2-A3-BB8-D-C314-4674-8-EA1-C6913-E9-CE4-A7.gif]

Moronic kokee vomiting blood hor

china covid 0 policy will last how long? end this yr? my foot! look at culture revolution in 60s & 70s, so last for 5-10 yrs is nothing!
If 0 policy last 5-10 yrs, what will china be in 10 yrs time? LOL LOL! will be super nice!
winne xi, let do it together fearlessly!



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