
 People with hidden agendas often exhibit certain personality traits, including:

1. Manipulativeness: They may use guilt, lies, or emotional blackmail to influence others.
2. Duplicity: They present a false appearance or pretend to have a different intention.or car washing with and misuse and abuse usage of law.
3. Secretiveness: They keep their true intentions or feelings concealed.
4. Insincerity: They may use flattery or pretend to agree with others to achieve their own goals.
5. Lack of transparency: They avoid clear and honest communication.
6. Evasiveness: They dodge direct questions or avoid giving straight Deleted message.
7. Opportunism: They take advantage of situations or people for their own benefit.
8. Disloyalty: They may betray trust or abandon principles for personal gain.
9. Superficial charm: They may use charm or charisma to manipulate others.
10. Inconsistency: Their words and actions may not align.

Keep in mind that everyone can exhibit some of these traits at times, but individuals with hidden agendas tend to display them consistently.

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