Blind Spot about the Ukraine War

Everything that is done, including work inside Ukraine itself, must comply with limits established by Biden.

"If we want Kyiv to listen to us, we need to remind ourselves that the Ukrainians are winning the war, not us."

But the official said sabotage attacks and cross border fighting created a whole new complication and continuing Ukrainian sabotage "could have disastrous consequences."


the NATO knows ukraine troops are one fighting force like those NATO countries have

it is lose change of commands

that why russia invaded ukraine and not finland and not any other eastern europe countries

NATO has difficulty trusting the ukriane troop on their hardwares

there are russian spy ukraine troop also

that why NATO are hesitant in fully commited to the war in ukraine

besides the ukraine president knows that

to the last Ukraine

(06-07-2023, 01:56 PM)keys Wrote:  to the last Ukraine


unbeknownst to you

ukraine is willing to be the NEXT AFGHAN and nato agreeds

10 years later afghan take back afghan and 20 years later the taliban take over afghan

no lost

do your great grandson grandson and son willing to be buried in AFghan

that is the imminent question

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