民众踊跃挺身帮忙 李智陞:约1400人报名当义工

民众踊跃挺身帮忙 李智陞:约1400人报名当义工


廉价劳工 (cheap labor) refers to workers who are paid very low wages or compensated poorly for their work. This can include:

1. Low-wage workers
2. Migrant workers
3. Temporary or contract workers
4. Workers in sweatshops or factories with poor conditions
5. Workers in industries with a history of exploitation (e.g., agriculture, construction)
6. Workers who are not paid a living wage
7. Workers who are denied benefits or protections
8. Workers who face discrimination or harassment

The term "廉价劳工" is often used to highlight issues of labor exploitation, income inequality, and social injustice. It emphasizes the need for fair compensation, better working conditions, and protections for vulnerable workers.

黑工 (hēi gōng) is a Chinese term that means "black labor" or "illegal labor". It refers to:

1. Unreported employment: Working without proper contracts or social insurance.
2. Underpaid labor: Receiving wages below the minimum standard.
3. Exploitative labor: Facing poor working conditions, long hours, or no protection.
4. Illegal employment: Working in industries or jobs that violate labor laws or regulations.

黑工 is often associated with labor rights violations, exploitation, and unfair treatment of workers. It's a significant social issue in many countries, including China, where labor laws and protections are not always enforced consistently.

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