

2. 多畏者必无卓越之见
3. 多欲者必无慷慨之节
4. 多言者必无质实之心
5. 多勇者必无文学之雅

日防夜防家贼难防 ,人心難測。日久见人心路遙知馬力

In this society人生 一定要活老要学到老 Else 不上课就是上当. 不是接受教育那就是接受教训 . 人心难测 /叵测. 知人知面不知心.

1. Those who had help you once will often help you again.
2. Those who like to concern or kpo about you is not because they care about you. They just to know your current situation is worse than them.
3. Never share your secret with other friends or colleagues . They might use your secret to exchange other secret and gossip behind you.
4. For money you need save for raining day and be more generous on yourself.
5. Be super stingy and meow on time . Don't waste time on unnecessary people.
6. When you help people don't expect people will return the favor to help you.
7. When lending people expect it will be a bad debt
8.Don't pang sai at your workplace.
9. Learn to say no
10. Those who are silent are either a bad conservationist or good observer
11. People who friend you because you got a 'value' and price tag
12. Promise are meant to be broken. Those promise you on the table until got dragon & phoenix . Just listen or act listening don't believe .
13. All people are actor & actress wearing multiple face mask.
14. Don't trust people with 101 excuse and come out with all sort of theory and concept to justify their stand.
15. Don't live for other but for yourself.
16. Every 10 minutes a lie being told conscious or unconsciously by people surround you.



1. 常出入娱乐场所
2. 喜欢一脚踏几船=>男备胎极其之多
3. 表面上装清纯 & 装可怜( hypocrite)
4. 非常喜欢刺激
5. 不会对一个人动真情?
曾紫重 情感
6. Sexy dress很华丽

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