罪行滔天,北京賄賂外交慘敗! 聯合國新疆人權評估報告發布 犯下反人类罪!

(05-09-2022, 10:00 AM)kokee Wrote:  ccp china xinjiang genocide, condemn by the world, based on UN report!


whole world know how many millions of xinjiang people in their detention or re-education camp without committing any crimes!
they have their belief, same to tibet people!
but they have no freedom & human right to support their culture!
global will continue to fight for the right & humanity!

回應新疆人權報告 布林肯:繼續對中共追責


[Image: 3-F0-F0-CFF-DCA0-4-D1-D-8-CB4-D694-D380-F6-A9.jpg]

[Image: A483-BD39-70-B0-4993-8-B33-6375-E0-F52-B12.jpg]

[Image: 79-C8754-B-36-E6-48-E5-AA9-A-D6-D33-D36-DA9-D.gif]

Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one

Moronic kokee your daddy laughs at you cheo kau peng hor

(01-09-2022, 10:27 AM)kokee Wrote:  “习主席,我尽力了”! LOL LOL!
use money to play politic is the most evil, make money look so evil!
but when truth is out, give & take money will has to slaughter each other hard to clear their shit!
once no money, game over, all the shit will be out, like africa & most OBOR today!
when vote is useless, end of both evils!


let xinjiang people tell the hard truth!



whole world want UN to question & hantam china on xinjiang genocide!

新疆人權報告發布 多國政要促UN問責中共


of course china human right issue not only refer to xinjiang genocide! this is the main one but china human right issue happening everyday inside china!
as long as you dont listen or follow ccp instruction, lawless can do anything like recently many jail because of did not go for covid test & so on!
dictatorship, brainwash, 1 vocie, no freedom & human right, firewall to block, censor, twist & lies whatever they like!
outside anything they want you to listen or do, you have totally no right to do anything or get arrest or jail or whatever!

人權組織:中共大肆濫用軟禁羈押 迫害人權


(11-09-2022, 11:06 AM)kokee Wrote:  of course 


US goes further to spend $300 million annually smearing China

Huat ah!  Clapping


Congress Proposes $500 Million for Negative News Coverage of China

The effort to counter China’s ‘malign influence’ would fund negative coverage of China’s Belt and Road Initiative—while also beefing up the U.S.’s international lending.

Huat ah!!!!  Clapping Clapping Clapping

(06-09-2022, 05:09 PM)kokee Wrote:  whole world want UN to question & hantam china on xinjiang genocide!

新疆人權報告發布 多國政要促UN問責中共

The whole report there is no mention of genocide. 

Genocide is what American whites committed on red Indian. None on XJ.  

In UN, almost 170 nations support China, only 20+ nations from American continent and EU support US.  

Don't post fake news.  


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