美国彻底干翻中国 蘋果、Tesla雙雙走出中共!泰国排中国人? 全世界?

What cok u talking? Your angmo master can't even fly to the moon. May hv to steal China tech some more.

china people live for the sick of living, live for money, work till died yet still in debt!
they live just to serve the dictator & emperor!
american live for happiness, live to fulfill your dream!




(20-07-2022, 08:48 AM)Omnipresent88 Wrote:  Bankrupt loser kokee howling 

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof 

Karma kokee

https://media.tenor.com/CrvGdHtNeqMAAAAM...er-flr.gif https://media.tenor.com/GmmLLPUs70UAAAAM...aitano.gif https://media.tenor.com/3KPr6V2O-xIAAAAM...-smile.gif 
. Kokee go eats bananas (in Cantonese)

US has opposition, china dont have, china only 1 voice is licking balls, so lies also lick like all comie dogs here is doing 7/24!
china bought so many media & things in US to help them to lie or propaganda, whole world know well, only moronic comie liars here used them to lick or con or brainwash morons here!
as below UMC founder, well said, all these US not reliable BS are barked by ccp china, ie comie dogs in this forum!
US already protected taiwan for 73 yrs, that is why ccp china balless & useless to attack, this bloody coward! LOL LOL!
all these moronic comie liars here & their brainless supporters here!

美国“靠不住”? 曹兴诚:这是中共的统战说法



(19-07-2022, 08:53 PM)Omnipresent88 Wrote:  Loser kokee licking

Bankrupt loser kokee howling again and again

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof


Slave kokee

https://media.tenor.com/f5iFFXMKMhMAAAAM...banana.gif https://media.tenor.com/O6t6EvxdweoAAAAM...ommons.gif https://media.tenor.com/mWXg3GzhYzMAAAAM...n-hart.gif 
Kokee go take your medicine bananas

(02-09-2022, 09:07 AM)kokee Wrote:  chna not only IC industry game over now, even IC supply will face huge problem!
china all high end IC rely on import from taiwan & US!
AI IC rely on Nvidia.
GPU IC on AMD & Nvidia!
programmable IC rely on Xilinx!
PC, all know, Intel & AMD. 
hp, whole world know, qualcomm & mediatek!
ton more!
all these should just cut off totally to sell to china, ban all these IC into china!
of course, chip 4 going to control the world IC supply totally!

Nvidia and AMD cut off the supply of top GPUs to China. The A100/H100, MI100/MI200 all are listed.


with above, US already can let china kneel down in front of the world!
all these comie liars here, biden beg to meet winnie? LOL LOL!
all these know nut comie clown!

[Image: 6198-B3-D1-840-D-4-B6-F-9-E0-A-1-D2-B1479-F775.jpg]

[Image: 66765-C3-F-2-BEC-4-D1-A-B99-A-3-C35-F89-ED5-D1.jpg]

[Image: B7-A07242-6331-45-A3-93-D9-35335-B907-DC4.gif]

Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one

Moronic kokee your daddy laughs at you cheo kau peng hor

US did not cancel all the import tax imposed to all china good & products by donald trump!
comie liars here bark US cancel, scared, afraid? my foot, all these liars here, spam lies 7/24 non stop everyday here!
no one give a shit to china now, F care, whole world must cut off totally from these evil devil russia & china!
sanction these 2 evils totally like to NK & Iran!




(20-07-2022, 08:24 AM)Omnipresent88 Wrote:  The slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof

Bankrupt loser kokee howling again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof

Beggars kokee

https://media.tenor.com/uTA52cSjTXoAAAAM/bananei.gif https://media.tenor.com/k3lnFoS7_2QAAAAM...-laugh.gif https://media.tenor.com/jZHfzn9i1iwAAAAM...rvivor.gif 

Slavery kokee go take your medicine bananas

all these comie liars here just bark lies from their ass without supporting documents, yet got brainless supporters believe such nonsense, real morons!
who F care of china tariff for inflation, not cutting any tax for all china good & products!
tax them, the more the better!
all these know nut comie liars here!




china almost everything rely on US, technology transfer, investment, order, jobs & ton more!
china invest so much in industrialized now, all the agri land convert to industry, build industry park all over, buy all equipment & set up for 20-30 yrs, suddenly all order gone! all eat shit!
all the debt not settle yet, all machine become junk!
now US hike rate like no tomorrow, china property total collapse!
blame on your own greed & evil!




this moronic ocmie dogs here spam all the useless nonsense only here 7/24!!
H&M? 1500 workers globally?
apple & tesla going to pull all their manufacturing out of china!
apple together with foxconn, plus the whole supply chain  of apple parts & assembly, products & factories, apple alone, from down to up stream, easil 30 millions china workers will lose their jobs!!
Tesla? US order to china down almost 40% in last 11 months, know nut comie dogs here know how huge is the impact to ccp china?
how about in revenue & GDP of china? LOL LOL!

蘋果欲將工廠搬離中國 或引發全國連鎖反應




all these moronic comie dogs in this forum, are they blind or comie dogs here real brainless?
just look at the world today, all the most advanced, rich, civilized, modernized country in this world today are all tie or link to western world!! whether in asia or the world!! prosperous together under equal, fair, system, for progress & improvement together with freedom & human right!!
look at those moronic dictatorship Iran, NK, china, russia, cuba, where are they today? suck africa or pakistan or sri lanks, mynmar or laos together? LOL LOL!
comie dogs here spam lies or BS using their communist sources of nonsense, stir shit & spread rumor here 7/24 to brainwash morons here!!

共产党宣扬仇美,黑化美国,可是和美国走得进的 国家,韩国,日本,台湾,新加坡,这些亚洲国家成为了发达国家



泰国以打击灰产之名 行排华之实 数十万中国人掉签证陷阱 面临驱逐

泰国严打灰产 只是想赶走中国人


(12-12-2022, 06:20 AM)kokee Wrote:  泰国以打击灰产之名 行排华之实 数十万中国人掉签证陷阱 面临驱逐

泰国严打灰产 只是想赶走中国人

You dont know Thai garment is pro US meh? Rotfl

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

(30-08-2022, 10:38 AM)Notdumb Wrote:  What cok u talking? Your angmo master can't even fly to the moon. May hv to steal China tech some more.

They bought Space rockets from Russia in the past lah.
Now NASA can only depend on Elon Musk liao… Rotfl

How to send human and fly to the moon is now a big question mark?
They keep delaying the human lunar landing.
Why arh? From 2023 to 2024 now 2025?
China steal their technology? 别再搞笑lah.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

Apple plan to shift their Ipad production from China to India is only 换汤不换药.
Many China tech and manufacturing companies are still in India. 华人最厉害的地方就是做生意lah.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

all these know nut comie dogs can only lick & worship ccp china thru lies without evidence, bark from ass in this forum to con or brainwash brainless here 7/24!! spam & stir shit non stop here, wasting time & guard this forum, only morons believe all their shit in almost 100% of their posts & threads!!
thailand pro US & not Pro china? china bark so much about 克拉运河 with thailand, invest so much in thailand infrastructure, that is why millions of china people living in thailand today!!
china space & rocket?  US & India already reach Mars almost 10 yrs ago, china still bark at moon? go to moon already commercialised in western world * japan, these comie dogs here still bark like crazy to con or brainwash morons here, almost 60 hrs ago, US already in moon, just like 60 yrs ago japan already design & run their high speed train, china only did it 10 yrs ago!! yeet copy cat & steal technology from france & others!!
Now US is going to land in Venus, all these dogs still bark china moon!!!

now not only thailand want to chase china people out of their country, china also start to restrict their people get out of china!
soon you will know, china people cannot renew their passport oversea, all has to go back to renew, once go back, can come out? my foot? LOL LOL!
also china hp number will be stopped using oversea in time to come, then how they can operate all their money movement inside china? time of things cant be done if china people reside oversea in future, why china govt want to stop all money flow out & control all their people outside china? LOL LOL!

国内手机停号 一家四口断了海外生活来源|祖国在召唤 是时候回国自首了


Japan launches first commercial moon lander; NASA's lunar flashlight onboard as well 


(19-07-2022, 07:05 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  Biden was not allowed to land at Saudi Arabia capital, Riyadh; he land in Jeddah, near Red Sea coast; that's alone is an insult. There wasn't any American flag, he was not received by the king nor the crown prince. was met by a mayor of Jeddah, another slap on his face.   Kokee daddy

[Image: CC1-CBD14-CDE8-455-C-8-F44-CFE4429255-C2.gif]

https://media.tenor.com/67CbvqG5vFwAAAAM...-dance.gif https://media.tenor.com/BnEKiDKJisEAAAAM...ancing.gif https://media.tenor.com/LUFs-A8Gx0MAAAAM...ancing.gif

already ton of china people in thailand jail today, did too many illegal, hooligan & criminal things in asean all over!
In laos, pinnoyland, cambodia or today thailand, ton of rubbish by china related!!
now pay back time is here!!
same to china did in the world today!
same as all the comie dogs in this forum!!




(02-09-2022, 09:10 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  [Image: 6198-B3-D1-840-D-4-B6-F-9-E0-A-1-D2-B1479-F775.jpg]

[Image: 66765-C3-F-2-BEC-4-D1-A-B99-A-3-C35-F89-ED5-D1.jpg]

[Image: B7-A07242-6331-45-A3-93-D9-35335-B907-DC4.gif]

Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one

Moronic kokee your daddy laughs at you cheo kau peng hor

Bankrupt loser slavery kokee howling jealous

Kokee your daddy lost face liao

https://media.tenor.com/XIYFvO7raXsAAAAM...eneres.gif https://media.tenor.com/DZuoVTj85NAAAAAM...hehehe.gif https://media.tenor.com/eWTxq7C0RzIAAAAM...ughter.gif

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