10 things a narcissist will say to minimize you and make you feel small

10 things a narcissist will say to minimize you and make you feel small

1) “You’re too sensitive”
2) “No one else thinks that way”
3) “I’m just being honest”
4) “You just don’t get it”
5) “You’re just jealous”
6) “You’re overreacting”
7) “You always take things too personally”
8) “I’m only trying to help”
9) “You’re making a big deal out of nothing”
10) “You need me”

10 things a narcissist will say to minimize you and make you feel small https://geediting.com/things-a-narcissis...eel-small/

If we work under a narcissistic boss who is insecure enough to marginalise us for being excellent, then it's probably not a boss worth working for. A lack of competency is not the only trait that can get us passed up for promotion, demoted or fired. Poor leaders look out only for themselves instead of trying to achieve unity within the company. Bosses who are not sure of their own self-worth use divisive tactics to maintain control, without truly understanding the risks of such tactics.

(15-05-2024, 06:44 PM)Bigiron Wrote:  10 things a narcissist will say to minimize you and make you feel small https://geediting.com/things-a-narcissis...eel-small/

The corporate application of Sun Tzu’s divide-and-conquer method in “The Art of War” takes several forms.  Scheming bosses try to divide an alliance by feeding lies to one or both managers under him, to create the impression that one is a threat to the other. This is done to ensure conflict, so both subordinates become rivals, and feed the boss with information concerning each other.
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