11 fake work pass holders in ICT industry submitted

11 work pass holders in ICT industry submitted false qualifications in last 3 years: MOM


I am sure there are more, must dig out and check all the EPs and PR applications submitted in the past decade, might catch hundreds of these with fake qualifications.

Both him and his predecessor Talk Air as if we lack the 86 Billion neurons to proport to his whims.

SYSTEM and PROCEDURE failures for more than a decade that allows not 11, but likely ALL such Employment Pass applications to breeze through. MOM has no gates to talk about when 600 Million Foreigners would try all devious means to come here.

Such neglect in duties from False qualifications, Unrecognized and Unaccredited Degree seems to further exuberate and thus exclude the PRs and New Citizens from legal action.


there should be at least 10.000 fake cert around out of nearly 1million indians working here

hope psp can dig out more info... interesting development...

I guess a lot already work for decade undetected and return home retire liao using fake certs...

I doubt G is so naive which leads me to the next guess. Are they in cohorts with business ( as mentioned by MP Shanmugam for KTV Cluster)?

2 days ago, MOM told companies to check and now, still asking companies to check again? Then they should remove AGC because Stat Boards can check themselves.

Win the World but lost your Soul. 

(03-08-2021, 04:42 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  I am sure there are more, must dig out and check all the EPs and PR applications submitted in the past decade, might catch hundreds of these with fake qualifications.

I also think so

MOM also conducts additional checks by screening the qualifications submitted through its database of institutions and it will reject applications with fake or unaccredited qualifications.

"This database is regularly reviewed through our scan of open source reports and research from third-party screening organisations," said Dr Tan.


As said for the past 2 years, since MoM don't want to check all applications and Companies / HR are not paid by MOM to check for them, then just do the usual, lah. COPY & Paste from Australia.

Set up 7 or 12 approved Agencies to check Employment Pass for $800 or $1200 each ( depending on profession). If other countries can do it, why not SG?

Any problem? Don't act victimized when it is us, average Joe who is suffering due to your lapses.


public already hinted the fake holder years back, why now act? because external media expose the scam. LL must do something. for show only lah...
after this, same same lah
office shake leg wait till six...

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