China export crime syndicate and gang to Cambodia to scam kidnap and harvesting organ

Shitty China is doing bad around the world again by exporting crime syndicate and gangs to Cambodia to scam, kidnap and harvesting organ


中國黑道勾結軍政府 「煉獄園區」想逃就開槍! China has made Cambodia into a lawless country by infesting it with Chinese rime syndicate and gangs

Laughter-13  Laughter-13


中國"一帶一路"成助攻詐騙!? 柬埔寨籍中國商人"佘倫凱"遭通緝卻穿梭黑白兩道 佘倫凱相中"詐騙天堂"

Laughter-13  Laughter-13


[Image: vu56YSm.png]

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Laughter-13  Laughter-13


China cyber-scam operations are stealing tens of billions of dollars from victims around the world.

But few realise that thousands of those perpetrating these frauds are victims too.

Young men and women are enslaved, tortured and forced to scam in countries like Cambodia.

In an exclusive report, 101 East investigates Chinese cyber-slave syndicates operating in Cambodia and exposes the powerful and politically connected people protecting them.

Laughter-13  Laughter-13


They aire from Republic of China, Taiwan Province!

Ah tiongs are evil criminals exporting crimes everywhere.

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