Ukraine mayor reveals girls cutting their hair short to avoid rapist Russian troops

Clearly since the start as we know, the barbaric Wumao here have been gloating their Russian comrades to commit Rape to even 5 year old girls !
Angry Threatening

[Image: photo-2022-04-07-15-54-10.jpg]

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The other day, the Western news was that Russian cut their hair short as Prisoner-Of-War.
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A women's voice is then heard: 'So yeah, do it over there,' she says. It then becomes clear what she is agreeing to. 'Ukrainian women there. Rape them. Yeah.

'Don't tell me anything, understand,' she adds with a shy laugh.

A man's voice is then heard. 'Uh-huh,' he says. 'So I should rape and not tell you anything,' he asks, clarifying that the woman is giving him permission.

'Yes, so that I wouldn't know anything,' the women's voice says, before they are both heard laughing this time. 'Why do you ask?' she adds.

'Can I really?' he asks again.

'Yeah, I allow you,' she says, with a giggle. 'Just use protection,' she adds.

The man replies again: 'Ok.'

Release of the audio clip came after Ukraine's president Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russian troops of carrying out 'hundreds of rapes' including sexual assaults of small children.

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