Higher than Mount Everest! New super volcano discovered on Mars

The research team believes that in the relatively warm equatorial region of Mars, glacial ice may still be preserved near the surface. "This is an ancient and long-lived volcano that has been severely eroded... It has a long history of interacting with water and ice." history, which makes it a prime location for us to search for signs of life."


CGI artist of MARS too free, nothing better to do so sketched a big volcano.

疫苗可以不打, 手枪一定要打!
疫苗可以不注射, 精子一定要远射!

How does that affect us? I’m so scare!!!

Mar's Mt Olympus is very much higher than Mt Everest at almost 22km. Five other peaks are higher than Everest too.

So this new one makes it 7 peaks higher than Everest.

Huat ah

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