2 California teen boys arrested after girl, 15, overdoses on fentanyl at high school

Andrea Blanco
Sat, 17 September 2022 at 7:50 am

Two California high school students have been arrested after two teens overdosed and one of them died at a nearby campus.

Melanie Ramos, 15, has been identified as the student found dead on Tuesday inside a bathroom stall at Bernstein High School in Hollywood.

A 15-year-old boy, who has not been named because he is a minor, was arrested for allegedly selling fentanyl-laced pills to Melanie and another girl, 15, who also overdosed but received medical attention and is expected to survive.

The Los Angeles Angeles Police Department (LAPD) told ABC News that the 15-year-old suspect was in possession of more pills when he was taken into custody. He is expected to be charged with manslaughter.

A 16-year-old boy was also arrested for allegedly selling drugs to an individual who had overdosed earlier during the day at the nearby Lexington Park. Authorities believe the suspects operated together.


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