Impromptu trained Ukraine soldiers more dedicated & effective than Russian NSmen?

Why impromptu trained Ukrainian civilian soldiers are far better, more dedicated and effective than Russian NSmen?

Something isn't right with Russian President Putin's conscription military training of 18 - 27 months. Obsolete.

It has proven to be a total failure -  Simply disgraceful.

(04-04-2022, 07:37 AM)Scythian Wrote:  Why impromptu trained Ukrainian civilian soldiers are far better, more dedicated and effective than Russian NSmen?

Something isn't right with Russian President Putin's conscription military training of 18 - 27 months.

It has proven to be a total failure -  Simply Obsolete.

all of us should also have rifles at home.

(04-04-2022, 07:39 AM)cheekopekman Wrote:  all of us should also have rifles at home.

Some Singaporeans may use them to rob a bank... Rotfl

The Israelites and Swiss have them at home.

salah those are special operation troops
how else they know how to use Geiger counter
like singlon who knows everything
even what is currency and gold is money without price
maybe u confuse with Ukrainians with Z fighting the naZi
see they laugh until stomachache
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-02-08-02-20.png]

and give u discounts and yet u mati
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-04-06-46-41.png]


The war has signalled that a country's  conscription military service for 18 - 27 months should be abolished.

It doesn't serve any purpose.
In fact, it's a waste of taxpayers money.

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